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POV Liz:
We're walking down the hallways with my balloon, looking for the room where my mom stays.
Jacob: "hey Liz, look here it is."
I turn around and see him pointing at a door. We knock.
Mom: "come in!"
Me: "mom!"
I run at her and hug her.
Me: "i've missed you!"
Mom: "i've missed you too but it shouldn't have been so bad with Jacob!"
Me: "he's okay." *wink at Jacob*
Jacob: "haha, you're okay too." *winks at me*
O my god i hope i'm not blushing!
Me: "so mom, how are you feeling, what happened, when are you getting out?!"
Mom: "calm down girl! I'm feeling okay. The situation was very stressful and it just all got too much and if it's going better i get to leave tomorrow."
Me: "yess!"
POV Jacob:
I only have one day left to spend with her. When we get home we're only gonna watch movies or maybe play some games.
We talk for another hour until a nurse comes in to say the visiting hour is over.
We say bye for the last time ams then walk to the buss.
Me: "are you happy you can almost go home?"
Liz: "yeah, but it was also very fun with you, and tomorrow we are still going to the pool right?"
Me: "if you still want to, of course. But you don't have a bathing suit."
Liz: "my mom just gave me the key to our house, so that will be okay."
Me: "okay, great! What you wanna do when we get home? It's like 3 o'clock, so we have a lot of time left."
Liz: "you tell me!"
Me: "well, i don't know. Talk, play a game or watch a movie?"
Liz: "i'd like to do all actually."
Me: "than we'll do that."
We get home.
Me: "what do you want to do first?"
Liz: "watch a movie."
Me: "do you like marvel?"
Liz: "i love them!"
Me: "i'll see if it's on netflix."
*A few moments later*
Me: "it's not."
Liz: "o, well than lets talk."
We get on the couch sitting in front of each other.
Me: "or lets play truth or dare. I love that game!"
Liz: "me too! You start!"
Me: "well, truth or dare?"
Liz: "truth."
Me: "ehhm. Do you have a lot of guy friends?'
Liz: "not really, just you i guess. I don't really have any opportunities to make friends. Truth or dare."
Me: "truth."
Liz: "how's your girlfriend?"
Me: "girlfriend? I don't have a girlfriend, why did you think that?"

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