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POV Liz:
Fast forward in time again. This time 12 years later. I kept my promise to my mom i made 12 years ago on my wedding day; to give her a grandchild. My beautiful daughter's name is Elodie. She's 1 year old and so cute! Jacob and i live on our own now, since 2 years when we knew i was pregnant. Blake and Mackenzie are also living on their own, but don't expect children this soon. I decided to quit modeling so i can fully focus myself on Elodie. But when she's a bit older i'll be looking for jobs as an actress. Jacob sometimes makes a song, not that he does it for the money, we have enough to live off of until we're 90! Loren and Mark also want children but Loren can't get children, so they're in the process of adopting a child. As how it looks now they'll get an african twin in 3 months! They're 8 months old with blue eyes and a dark skin, beautiful! I sadly have to say that this is the last time i'll be updating you on my life. I can say that i have enjoyed telling you everything that i have done in all these years. I've been through a lot of things and i'm happy to have told them to you all. Goodbye!
POV Jacob:
I love you all. You are all beautiful, no matter what people tell you, always remember that. We'll be fine. I do want 3 kids, 2 girls and 1 boy. Elodie would be a great big sister. We'll see what the future holds. For then, goodbye my friends, goodbye.
Blake, Loren, Mackenzie and Mark: "also goodbye from us!"

Soo...that was the end...did you like it?
And are you also going to read my Blake fanfiction?!
If you like Jacob more you can also imagine it to be Jacob instead of Blake;)
I've already written like 9 chapter and i will post them in like a weak or so, when i have some more so i don't leave a huge gap in between the chapters😝
Well i guess this is all, see ya in the next story😊💗💗

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