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POV Liz:
When we almost fall asleep, Mark's phone goes off.
Mark: "Loren's calling!"
Me: "pick up already!"
He picks up.
Mark: "hey Loren, how you doing?!"
Loren: "i'm fine, besides the fact Joey and i broke up."
Mark: "that sucks. You want to come over to Jacob, Liz and i to do something fun? Get your mind off of things."
Loren: "that sounds great! But who's Liz?"
Excuse me?!
Mark: "she's great, she's Jacob's girlfriend and laying next to me."
Me: "hey Loren!"
Loren: "hi! I would love to come! Tomorrow?"
Jacob: "that would be great! Maybe we can go to Disney!"
Mark: "that sounds so cool, i've never been there!"
Me: "really?!"
Loren: "than we have to go! But it's late and my mom's tired, maybe it's better to ask tomorrow so we can go the day after."
Mark: "that sounds fine, we can also announce it to the fans that they might meet us in!"
Jacob: "yess!"
Loren: "okay, i'll ask tomorrow but i bet she'll say yes! Goodnight guys, goodnight Liz! Nice to meet you by the way!"
Me: "same here, goodnight!"
And he hangs up.
Me: "i'm so excited! She seems so nice! And she's pretty so that's the full package for you, Mark!"
Mark: "haha, yes i guess. But she just broke up with Joey and everyone thought they were going to marry, they really loved each other."
Jacob: "why did they brake up?"
Mark: "they have a long distance relationship and Joey's 16. He had his needs and kissed another girl, Loren found out and she was heartbroken but i think she's doing okay now."
Me: "that sucks. Lucky Jacob and i are not at a long distance!" *winks and laughs*
Jacob: "haha yes, but i would never do that. I love you!"
Me: "i love you too, so much! Oo i have to ask my mom, i can't wait so i'm going now!"
I run to my mom's room and the door. She's reading.
Mom: "what's wrong hunny?"
Me: "o, nothing, i just wanted to say i love you!"
Mom: "o no, what do you want?"
Me: "excuse me? I'm just being nice!"
Mom: "i've known you longer than today, speak up!"
Me: "okay, so Jacob, Mark, Loren and i want to go to Walt Disney World the day after today! Can we go please!"
Mom: "sure, who's Loren?"
Me: "she's also famous and really nice!"
Mom: "okay, i'll buy your ticket tomorrow!"
Me: "thank you so much mom!"
i give her a kiss and rum back to my room.
Me: "WE CAN GO!"
Jacob: "yess!! Maybe Loren can even come tomorrow and we all sleep at my house!"
Mark: "sounds great, i'll text her but i think she's sleeping. I'm tired let's also go sleep!"
Me: "okay goodnight, love ya."
Mark: "love ya too."
Jacob: "whutt??"
Mark: "i'm kidding she was talking to you, goodnight!"
Jacob: "good, love ya too gorgeous. Goodnight!"

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