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POV Liz:
The little meet and greet was so amazing and everyone was so nice! We're back at Jacob's house, order a pizza and watch movies until 7 pm. The pizza's here! I'm so hungry. I go to the door and pay the guy. I walk back and see Jacob and mark whispering about something.
Me: "what you guys talking about?"
Mark: "o, nothing."
POV Mark:
Liz goes to the pizza guy.
Me: "does she know you'll be gone for a few days a month for Magcon?"
Jacob: "i haven't told her yet."
Me: "well she of course needs to know!"
Jacob: "i know but i don't want to get her worried about me meeting other girls."
Me: "but that's not a problem right?!"
Jacob: 'of course not i love her so much!"
Me: "than you should tell her, she deserves to know. She's so sweet to you!"
She coms back and we stop talking.
Liz: "what you guys talking about?"
Me: "o nothing."
She sits back on the couch between us. She lays her head on Jacob's shoulder. Wish she would do that to me. But i'm just a friend. I tap on Jacob's head and i make gestures by what i mean he has to tell her now.
Jacob: "Liz, i need to tell you something."
Liz: "what's up?"
Jacob: "i'm in this tour called Magcon where me and some famous guys travel around America so fans cam meet us, and i will not always be home."
Liz: "that's great, more time for me to cheat on you."
Jacob: "what?!"
Liz: "i'm just kidding! I hope you will enjoy it. This makes the time we have together even more special, so i don't mind."
And she laughs. When it's about 10 pm we decide to go upstairs. We all sleep on a mattress on the ground.
Me: "i'm not tired yet. Truth or dare?"
Liz: "yeesss!"
Jacob: "truth or dare to Mark."
Me: "dare."
Jacob: "post a photo of your nipple on Instagram!"
Me: "dude that's crazy!"
POV Liz:
Jacob: "you don't have to keep it up so long, like a minute is even enough!"
Mark: "well in that case, okay."
He pulls up his shirt. Wow, that six-pack though! He takes a picture and posts it. I grab my phone and go to his profile.
Me: "everyone seems to like it! They're all calling you 'daddy'! Haha."
Jacob: "i hate it when people call me daddy."
Me: "i'll keep it in mind, daddy!"
Jacob: "don't do that!"
Me: "sorry, daddy!"
Jacob: "if you say that one more time!..."
And he stands up.
Me: "i won't daddy!"
Jacob: "now you're gonna get it!"
He sits on top of my belly and comes closer with his head.
Me: "calm down, i still love you!" *wink*
And he kisses me.
Mark: "wow, calm down love birds!"

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