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POV Mark:
I wake up. It's 7 am. Way too early. I let Loren sleep and go to the 'living room' where i see Liz sitting on the couch. I go sit next to her.
Liz: "o hey! Why are you up so early?"
Me: "i can ask you the same thing!"
Liz: "i had a bad dream."
Me: "about what?"
Liz: "my dad."
Me: "what happened?"
Liz: "he came to our house and wanted to take me away from my mom!"
Me: "it's not true, don't worry!"
Liz: "i know...don't you ever think about your dad?"
Me: "sometimes."
Liz: "has he really changed your life?"
Me: "of course! Sometimes i think about all the things we could have done together."
Liz: "do you remember him a little?"
Me: "he was tall."
Liz: "what was his name?"
Me: "John."
Liz: " old were you when he left?"
Me: "about 7."
Liz: "my dad was also tall, his name was John and he left us when i was 6 and you are 1 year older!"
Me: "do you think he's both our dad...?!"
Liz: "he might!!"
Me: "do you have a picture?"
Liz: "maybe on my phone, let me check!"
How cool would it be if we would really be related?! Wait...we would basically be brother and sister!
Liz: "i found one, look!"
And she gives me her phone.
Me: " is him!!"
Liz: "are you serious?!"
Me: "i'm super serious!!"
Liz: "i can't believe this! Do you have a photo of him too?!"
Me: "yes one moment!"
I look it up. This is so cool! I show her the picture.
Liz: "this can't be true...! Omg you're my brother!!!"
She hugs me so tight i can barely breath. Wow, i used to like my sister lol!
Me: "lets go tell Loren and Jacob!"
We run to Jacob and Loren and tell them to go to the 'living room'.
Loren: "what's up?"
Jacob: "yeah."
Liz: " you guys may not believe this but..."
Jacob: "huh what?! How do you know?!!"
Liz: "we showed each other pictures of our dad and it was the same man with the same name!!"
Loren: "oh my god tell your moms!"
Me: "wow i have 2 moms..."
Liz: "i'm going to tell when i'm back, it may come as a shock!"
Me: "me too."
Jacob: "the fans are going to get crazy if they hear this!"
Loren: "i think they're gonna love it!"
Jacob: "so Mark you're basically my brother in law! And Loren's your sister in law, Liz!"
Loren: "cool!!"
Me: "lets change and then go live and tell everyone!"
Liz: "yess!!"
Loren: "and after go to Disney because i'm dying to go!"
Me: "me too!"
We change and all gather on Jacob and Liz' bed. We go live on Younow and when there are about 4K people watching, we tell them.
Liz: "we have unbelievable news guys!"
The comment section blows up! We tell the whole story about how we know it and show them the pictures. I've got a big and a small sister cute! I wish i lived closer to Jacob and Liz, but especially closer to Loren! I wish we could all just live in 1 house, that would be so cool! When we're done with Younow we also post it on Instagram, snapchat and twitter so everyone knows. I'm so happy! I feel so complete with my little sister, girlfriend and best friend! I love them all so much! *no homo*

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