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POV Liz:
I wake up and realize today's the day we're going to Disney! I'm so suuuuuper excited! I see i've woken up 15 minutes before the alarm. I have to share my enthusiasm so i start jumping on the bed.
Jacob: "is there an earthquake?!"
Me: "i'm not that heavy."
We laugh.
Me: "no but seriously, wake up today's Disney!!"
Jacob: "yess!! O something crazy happened last night!"
Me: "tell me!"
He tells me the whole story. What the heck?!
Me: "that's so crazy! How can he do that!"
Jacob: "i don't know, we'll be going to the police soon!"
Me: "great, that psycho has to be locked away! Lets wake up Mark and Loren!"
Jacob: "i'm gonna film!"
We run to their room and slowly open their door. They're laying there so peacefully sleeping. Mark has his arm around Loren, so cute!! But then we came...
Me: "wake up!! It's Disney time!"
They really did not seem to have hear me because they don't wake up!
Me: "they want it the hard way!"
I go to the bathroom and get some water in a cup and run back. I poor it onto their faces.
Loren: "wooow what's that!"
Jacob and i die laughing!
Mark: "you could have gently shook us."
Jacob: "that would not be as fun! But guys, go get dressed and pack your stuff, we're going in half an hour!"
We all get dressed and pack our stuff. We eat some food and snapchat a bit. We could have slept more because we still have 45 minutes left!
Jacob's mom: "good morning guys, did you sleep well?"
Mark: "well actually *tells the story*"
Jacob's mom: "o, wow! I'm so glad you guys are okay! Don't put it on social media yet so Joey won't know what we're up to!"
(Btw not that i hate Joey or anything, he's just a character!;)
After half an hour we decide to just go early. We put our bags in the trunk and we get in the car. Jacob in front, me behind him and Loren and Mark next to me. Off we go! On the way we listen to music and talk a lot.
After hours of driving we get to the resort. It's so cool! We get our bags out of the trunk and go to the help desk to check in.
Lady behind the desk: "omg, my daughter is such a big fan of all of you! Can i get a picture with you?!"
Us: "of course!"
We take the picture. She's thankful and we walk to our given room. We are all in one hotel 'apartment' but with different rooms. Mark and Loren together, me and Jacob together and Jacob's mom alone. I still can't believe we are here!
Jacob: "it's 1 pm, you guys want to go get something to eat?"
Us: "yess!"
Jacob: "lets go to Chipotle!"
Me: "of course! Haha!"
And we're off to Chipotle. The food is great. I just get a salad because i'm a vegetarian. Then we head back to the hotel room. It's 2 pm now.
Loren: "lets go to the park!!"
Mark: "first tell our fans how late and where so they will know where to see us!"
We snapchat everything and go half an hour later.

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