Chapter 1

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BEAP!BEAP!Beap! It was 8:45 am I had to go to my audition for one of the best singers ever in life! CHRIS BROWN! I was auditioning to be one of his back round singers. loved his voice and dance moves and his body period.  I loved him since his very first song and I've been a loyal fan ever since.

I have a nice body all my fat gose to my boobs and ass so yeah they are very big lol. I got dressed in shorts and a tight black shrit then left.
"Cameron Fulghum!" the loud lady said. "Coming! ". The first person to speak was Chis. I smiled and he smiled back.  "Hey your name is Cameron right." "Yes and your name is Chris." He laughed a little bit. "Yeah. Can you tell me a little about your self?" "Well I am 23.I love to sing, that's why I'm here today" I smiled "I love music especially your songs" He smiled at me "And I love to be myself and to be awesome. " Chris spoke "Well what song are you going to sing? Wait one of my songs?" I smiled and said yes. "I'll be singing With you." I started to sing and every one's eyes grew big. Chris stoped me and told me I was one of his new back round singers. "I'll just need you phone number to text you about rehearsal,ok?" He winked at me. I started to blush.

I walked out and asked the lady at the desk where the bathroom was. "Its down this hall to the left" "Thank you." I walked in the bathroom and my phone vibrated. I had got a message saying "hey". I didn't know who it was, so I texted back asking who it was. It was Chris. I walked in the bathroom and texted back "hey?"

Text conversion:

Chris: Why the question mark?

Me:Because I wouldn't expect a text from you untill later.

Chris: Oh.

I washed my hands and dried them. Then I walked out of the bathroom. Then someone bumped into me. "oh I'm sorry" It was Chris. "Hey" I said smiling.  "Hi. You are the best singer I heard today! In my life!"

"Thank you. And you are  the best singer I have ever heard!"

Then we looked into each others eyes. We smiled and I said "Well I have to go sorry " "It's fine I'll text you rehearsal times later, ok?" "iight." I said to be silly then I walked away.

I walked in my door and took a shower put on my pajamas snd made soup and wached a movie. I got on Instagram and said "hey long happy day and so sleepy night night!"

Next morning:

"Hey its chris I need you to call me ITS IMPORTANT!" What why would he text me if something was so important to put in all caps? So I called him.

Phone call:

Me:Hey Chris what is so important??

Chris:Notin I just wanted to talk to you.

Me:Ok.About what?

Chris: Anything

Me:Ok. How was your day.

Chris:If we are going to be in a relationship.... I'M SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT!

Me:Ummmm...... So are you asking me out???

Chris:I was going to ask you after rehearsal. But now I gess I'll ask you now. Will you go on a date with me?

Me:Yes! I mean, yeah sure why not.!

Chris: Ok so What day? & what time babe?

Me: Ummm how about Saturday at like 7 ish.

Chris: Ok see you in two day.

Me:K. Bye.

End of conversation.

Yes I was going on a date with THE CHRIS BROWN!  I always thought I would be out of his league. But now I see I'm not.

2 days Later:


I was ready to go I was weating a red cocktail dress and red wedges. My hair was curled and put towrds the side. l just put mascara and clear lip gloss on I think I looked good. I took a picture and put it on Instagram. Saying "Hey guys going on a date and going to have fun!" I texted chris "Hey I'm ready come get me!:)" Chris responding "Ok I'm on my way. I'll be there in like 10" "ok"

Chris POV:

I couldn't wait.  She really might be the one. The one for me who would like me for who I really am. "Hey Cam you really look great!" "Thank you! So do you. Where are we going?" "Some where special to me and maybe special to you." "Your favorite movie is the color purple right." "Yes why?" "You will see."

Cameron's POV:

I sat there just thinking about what he was doing for me. I sat there quite thinking,I put my hand on the arm rest between Chris and I. He took his hand and laid his hand on top of mine. I looked down and then looked at him.He looked at me then smiled. I started blushing. We looked away at each other them his hand slowly started it close then was holding mine.

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