Chapter 6

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Cameron's POV:

I have been at my apartment and I have been so loney with out Chris. I been hanging with Tina. She was there when I was trying to figure out weather I should be with Chris or not. but I think that I have chosen the best thing for me and chris. Truthfully he really needs to think about how Kassty is always messing up his relationships and how she is a navigate influence on our wotk environment.

Chris' POV:

All I think about is Cameron. I need her back so we can love each other.(NOT THAT WAY!!! for all the dirty minds).Let me text her.

Text conversation:

Chris: Hey Cam:)

Cameron: Christopher -_-

Chris: Look babe I have to tell you something really important.

Cameron:?Ok and that is..........

Chris: I need to tell you in person. So, meet me at the Devine Hotel at like 2:00

Cameron: Ok.

End of conversation.

Cameron's POV:

All I was concerned about what was so important. We have only been together for almost a mouth. And our relationship should get a little more serious. Hopefully he will tell something about our relationship.


I pulled up to the Devine hotel and there was a man at the door. I walked up to him and he said "Hello Miss. Christopher is in the ball room. I walked in to the ball room. It was beautiful.  Chris was in the middle of the ballroom floor. I walked up to Chris then he gave me a rose. Then BAM!! All of his dancers came out and sung I should have kissed you. When it was done. Chris came up to me and said "Cameron Paige Fulghum, I messed up and I wont to fix it." I loked into his eyes and saw that he was really sorry and serious. "Baby I love you and I do want to be with you. Ill also do anything you need." "Chris,... baby" My eyes started to water. "I love you to. And dont make me cry any more.!" We hugged and kissed each other. We walked out the doors and I went to my car and Chris went to his.

Later that night:

Text conversation

Chris: Hey baby your not comeing over?

Cameron: No not tonight.  :/

Chris: :( Ok.

Cameron: I will be over tomorrow.

Chris : Well theres something else I have to tell you. Call me.

Phone conversation:



Chris:I wont you to move in with me.

Cameron: Are you serious?

Chris: YES!

Cameron :Ummmm.... Yes, Yes I will amove in with you.

Chris:Ok. Cool. (high pitched voice) I mean cool.

Cameron: Laughing.  Ok Ill see you tomorrow.  I love you.

Chris: Love you too.

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