Chapter 21

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Cameron's POV:

I walked in the front door seeing Chris. He was hunched over too were his knees and elbows were touching and hus hands where on his forhead. Like he was upset/concerned. "Hey." "Cameron I need to talk to you." "Ok?" I put my purse and keys on the table. Then walled over. "Whats up?" "I really did something wrong." "What?" "I was going to my car and Tina was there." Now I really wanted to know what happened. "When I was walking to my car she.grabbed me then kissed me." "Ok well pull away?" "Yes." "Ok.then whats wrong?" "I dont know I just really felt that I need ro tell you."  "Ok. " I gave him a smile and kissed him on the cheek and told him about my day.

Next Morning:

No Chris. Wonder where he is? Ill just text him. Then I looked over and saw his phone. What the fuck? I thought. Where is this man? I texted his work phone.

Text conversation:

Cameron: Where are you?

Chris: With Ty.


End of conversation.

I went to go see Londyn to go shopping. I got there and knocked on the door.  "Hey you ready?" "Yeah let me get my bag." "K." Then as I looked up I saw someone walking towards the porch.  My ex Jeremiah.  "Cameron?" He yelled as he came closer to me. He was exercising.  He was running or jogging.  So he had his shirt off. His mussels glissened in the sun light. "Hi." I said. "How have you been?" "Fine and you?" "Ok I gess my ex wife is trying to get full custody of Jay. So I could be better." "Oh." I had no feelings for that jerk. He broke my heart. He said I was too fat for him so I lost all that weight.  Thats why I am the way I am."Yeah so are you with anyone?" "Yes Im engaged. " "Oh you look fantastic!  Are you still a stripper? " "No Im not! And I dont know weather I should slap you or say thank you" "Well it was nice to see you. Here is my number if you ever want to talk." I looked at paper Like yeah Im going to want to talk to you. Nigga yeah right. Then Londyn came out side. "Ok lets go." We drove to the mall. As we were pulling up to the mall 4 years old came on. I changed the station Because I always cry when I hear that song.  "Hey why you change it?  That's my jam." I laughed at her . "Well listen to it on your own time." We got out of the car. Then this lady ran up to me and was freaking out. It was crazy.  "Hi may I help you?" "OMG!!!!! YOUR CAMERON BROWN! !! I LOVE YOUR VOICE! " "Thank you." Then as we were walking away Londyn said "You looked like you were going to punch her." "Well yeah she just ran up on me." We had so many different bags. I got something for our honeymoon. So we got hungry. We went to Subway in the food court. Niggas was all up in. Like nigga I need 10 feet. So we ordered and left to the movies. We saw Hunger Games:Catching Fire. (A/N I REALLY SAW THAT MOVIE. THAT SHIT WAS AWESOME!!!!) Then I dropped Londyn off and went home.I walked in and Chris came up too me and grabbed me by my face and kissed me passionately. So we were kissing I really got into it. He pulled away. "I love you." "Love you too boo." He asked what was in the black bag. "A suprise." I walked upstairs. Then put my stuff away. I went back downstairs. Chris was makeing dinner. "What are you doing?" "Makeing you dinner." "Oh. Ok what is it? " "You'll see." I waited for 30 minutes.  Then he told me it was done. He made my favorite dinner. Chicken fajitas. I loved them I didnt know why. I was shocked. those were the best fajitas I had ever had. "Those were the best fajitas I have ever had." "Yeah I know." I smiled and rolled my eyes. I wondered what was going to do for Chris on Christmas.  It was in three days and I had nothing. "Hey bae." "Whats up?" "What do you wont for Christmas? " He walked over and kissed me I have everything I want. And he leaned in kissed me. Then his phone rang.

Chris' POV:

It was my mom.Phone conversation:

Ch: Hey ma'ma

Ch's Mom: What did I tell you ab out that girl. I told you she was using you!

Ch: What are you talking about?

Ch's Mom:Well I did a background chack on her and befor she became hou background singer she was a stripper.

Ch:Yea ok.Well Ill ask her then Ill call you back.

End of conversation.

"Wow my mom is crazy.')" "Why?" "Because she did a background check on you and said that before you worked for me thag gou where a stripper." Sbe sat there blanked face. "What?" "She is not crazy. I was a stripper. " I dont know why but I got mad. "WHAT!? AND YOU NEVER TOLD ME THIS! I COULD HAVE SOME TYPE OF DISEASE!" "One calm down. two you dont have any disease because I dont. And I never told you because I am ashamed of my pass." I knew Cameron was not lying to me. "Ok well do I need to enything eles?" "Nope." We hugged each other for a long time like 5 minutes.

Cameron's POV:

As we were hugging My phone went off. Gess who it was calling me...Jeremiah.

Phone conversation:

C:Hello? -said with an attitude-


C:What do you want?

J:I just wanna talk.

I went upstairs.

C:Listen I dont want to talk to you! One because you broke my heart Two I dont like you. Three I have someone So there is nuthing to talk about. Ok? So please dont call me again.


Before He could get the words out I hung up. All over the emotions crep up on me from my pass. The hardship I went through. Chris camebin the room as I was lying in the bed crying."Are you ok?" "No." he laid next to me then he raped his arms around me. I buried my face into his chest.

I finally stopped my tear flow. "The person that just called me was......... was ..... my ex." "How does he no your number? " "Because I haven't changed my number since I was dateing him. And everyone I knew knew that number." "Oh. Ok is that why you where crying? " "No im just stressed out with everything." Thats all I remember.


I think this chap was boring. But tell me what you wont to happen in the next chapter! 

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