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               Honestly,it felt like starting life all over. My MIA father turns up out of nowhere to 'own me' and now I'm in his custody.Then my supossedly best friend turns out to be paranormal.Shouldn't there be a limit to the amount of crap someone gets to experience for a day.I don't mean to sound like an ungrateful brat but I've been living in error with no idea of my identity and scared out of my mind in fear of someone reporting me to the Mental Unit and my classmates have it so easy with their parents supporting them and knowing what they are.Why does shit always happen to me? Deal with it,stupid, I scolded myself.Everybody had left,leaving me alone in the hospital ward to give me space.I swallowed countless times to get rid of the lump in my throat.I pushed myself out of bed and looked out of the window.It was snowing.Snow everywhere.Trees stripped bare from the cold wind howling and rattling the windows frequently.The seasons were different in here.Xavier had told me that this huge compound was bought from paranormal dealers.That places like these were all over the world.It was just a matter of concealing them from humans and camouflaging yourself in a way you don't seem like you're going to the forest too much.

            Besides,this place wasn't a human hospital. Xavier had said that there were clinics and hospitals like the one I was in right now in the compound. Though the compound took most of the forests and nature in this place, it looked bigger once you entered it. Almost as big as an island. There were also spells to keep humans from venturing. Also through a human's eyes, there was nothing but nature.No buildings,no people,no paranormal activity.Like we were invisible or something.

              Those places used to be very common in the past when magic and paranormal activity was practiced large-scale.After some time,when humans knew about this,they started to hunt and kill them.The Council, the government for the paranormal, bought protected lands for us to live.Xavier also told me that Healers were very rare.In other words,endangered species.My father said I was special.But I certainly don't feel like that.I did okay in my academics but I sucked in gym class.Like big time.I was just a nobody.I wasn't interesting or bubbly or anything.Mostly,I dwelled in depression. Well that was that.I look around in the room for a clock,to see the time.I rummaged through the drawers and saw an alarm clock.

           Shit.It was 9 'o'clock in the morning.It was the next day already.What about Mason? I think,trailing off. Wait. Was Mason a Healer too? But he never acts secretive or anything. Besides,he's the most honest and down to earth person I've ever known. Could he have hidden his gifts so well to the point that even his own sister can't have an inkling that he might be supernatural? My head was such a mess. I shake myself and take control of the situation.

             I open the door and peek out.My jaw falls to the ground.Attractive people everywhere.Wow.I'm unable to form coherent sentences at the sight of so much good-looking paranormal people walking around. But I don't see Rayne or anybody I know. I see some of my classmates occasionally. They smile at me and walk off. I do that quirk-one-eyebrow thing.One day, I'm hated by people I don't even know. The next day, random people smile at me. I shake my head at the atrocity of it. It's always about being accepted, I think. I take my phone and flip through my messages. I see 15 missed calls and messages ranging from innocent where are you and reply fast to WTF, Reply before I call the police. Oh god..."Hey. You doing okay?" Xavier asks,coming behind. I feel his warm breath stirring the hairs on my neck. My ears burn hot. I turn and tell him "Bring me home.My brother will be having a panic attack by now.Look " I thrust the phone into his face."Whoah" He says and staggers back and hits a mirror.

                I gasp and move Xavier away.My reflection shows a tall girl with pretty smiling face.Long wavy hair that reached near my waist. Almond shaped eyes shining with a spark in them. I grin, a full mouthed one that showed my teeth. I blink rapidly and stare at my teeth.I've always had crooked teeth and now they were straighter and looked nice even though they didn't look perfect.I see Xavier behind watching me,looking amused.Wow,I really looked pretty and kind of girly.My lips looked fuller but it wasn't like the movies where my skin was porcelain and I looked like I stepped off a Hollywood movie set.I looked like me but nicer.Even those freckles near my eyes weren't gone. I'm still me,I guess.I turn and put my weight into my left leg and stare at him pointedly."Right" He mutters and we exit the hospital in a couple of minutes.

                 There's a shining motorbike whose glint catches my eye.Xavier walks to that one and swings his leg over it and gestures to me.I scowl and attempt to sit in a way I won't press myself too much on him.He smirks at me through the rearview mirror.I turn away,blushing.Soon,we're racing through the streets.Almost everything is a blur in the speed he's driving.I want to tell him to slow down but I don't.My hair whips around as I take in my surroundings.I lock my arms around his waist before I fly and splatter on a wall.

                We get down on my street and I run to my house. I stop at the porch. I am so screwed but here goes, I breathe and open the door. I stifle a gasp.I saw Mason,Mom and my dad hugging oblivious to me standing there.I swallow and my vision goes blurry.I've never felt so alone in my life.I duck and lean on the wall next to the door. I was the one who went through all the pains of the Change and got the ultimate truth of my whole existence but Mason was the one getting all the support.Something hardens within me.I set my teeth,hard and walk into them,embracing. They break apart. All of them were breathing hard. I regard them coolly with no emotion on my face."Where were you?" Mason half-yells and grabs me hard.I look into his eyes,startled.It wasn't everyday I saw my brother so protective of me.My insides melt as I hug him back fiercely.Tears leak as I pull away.I wipe them away and ask him "Do you know?". Mason nods with a sadness in his eyes. 

              I see my father watching us with love in his eyes.I turn away.He loved my older brother but it didn't feel like he loved me somehow.I still couldn't believe how Mason had clung to my father when he had left us when we were so young.It felt like the roles were reversed like I was the bitter older child who was angry at our father. "Mom,why did you bring us here to Carolina?" I ask her,my face hard. She starts "Well,I got instructions from your father that we had to come here and honey...I knew about your abilities all along" Her eyes were oddly shiny.Rage engulfs me.My heart is nothing but stone." You knew about it but you never told me and NOW when HE comes here,ALL OF YOU FORGET WHAT HE DID SO MANY YEARS AGO and HUG him like a long-lost relative" I yell,my voice at full volume."FUCK YOU" I scream at my father and sprint to my room."That is not the way you talk to your father" Mom yells behind me.I slam the door at her face and lock it.I was hardly the angry or sweary one but today pushed me past the limits.

              I slide down the wall and bury my head into my hands. I never thought of this happening to my life.

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