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            I rested my forehead on the cool porcelain of the bathtub.I peer at the toilet bowl again to see vomit laced with inky blood.Hot tears form in my eyes.What was happening to me? This new place was messing with my abilities.First increased,tummy cramps and now this.I gargle my mouth and look at the mirror.My eyes are bloodshot and I look pale and clammy.Should I call Mom or is this nothing? I took deep breaths and first cleaned up the mess I made.Then I went to my laptop and searched for my condition of vomiting food and blood.From the results,it showed food poisioning or...cancer.Early symptoms of cancer.I swallow repeatedly as my breathing grew erratic.I lay down on the bed.What am I supposed to do now? Mom recently went overseas for some business trip and Mason was out with his friends.I took my phone and dialed Xavier's number.Maybe he would know.My hands start to tremble as I feel pain gripping my insides.I ignore the pain and wait for Xavier to pick up.

"Hello" a voice said hesitantly.It was Xavier."Xavier,I think I have cancer or some extreme stomach problems"I blurt." Wait,did you vomit blood " Xavier gasped."Yeah,I did and why did you-" "Shit,shit,shit" He muttered,his voice rising. "Angeline,listen very carefully.I will come and pick you up in your house now.Don't do anything and don't take painkillers or go to the doctor.Just stay there,ok?" I faintly heard a door slamming.I feel myself growing weaker and weaker as I put down the phone and wait for Xavier to come.My hands start shaking as pain overtakes everything.I'm floating in a sea of darkness,waiting for a wave of pain to pull me under."Stay awake,Angeline.Don't do this to me" A voice breaks.Who is that? I think weakly.My eyelids refuse to open as I try my best to stay awake.So this is how it feels to die, A self-depreciating voice says in my mind.Was I going to die?

            "You're gonna be okay.Everything's gonna be alright" Someone said,brokenly.Was that Mason.You've been a good brother,Mason.I tried to say but someone carried me away and pushed me into something like a bed.I remembered the time,Mason was angry with me and pushed me hard that I fell off an old bed,scratching my arm into some wood sticking out from its side frame.I would go through that a hundred times but not this.No,not this..I offered a prayer to all the gods in the world to help me.Through half-closed eyelids,I realised I was pushed into some room and the world submerged in darkness.

                I couldn't understand what was happening to me.Somebody kill me now, I wanted to scream.Please just let me die.Surely death was much more peaceful than this all-consuming pain.I wanted to feel around for blood because there was no way this pain wouldn't have amounted to pools and pools of blood.The inferno inside wrecked everything that was in me.I felt my insides getting burnt by hot lava.I feel like I've been run over a bus countless times,then dumped into a pool of acid.I grow restless in pain.Nothing matters anymore.Suddenly,I feel like thousands of pins are attacking me.Then,I hear a voice." She's going through The Change,right?".I hear another man's voice "She's going to turn out beautiful".Who is that, I think through pain.My skin feels like it's being reborn but in the wrong way.Like someone pouring acid over my skin then scraping my skin off.Tears leak from eyes and into my hair,continuously.A thin wail escapes from my mouth."She's in agony" Someone whispered.My skin itches like a thousand mosquitoes have bitten on me.I want to move my hand and scratch but I'm too scared that the pain will increase tremendously through motion.My wail increases like tension building up.Suddenly,my skin becomes porcelain cool.My muscles seize and convulse.I'm blinded with such pain that makes me want to jump out from this building to die and stop this vicious cycle of pain.

        What did I ever do to deserve such pain.There were rapists,murderers,thieves,gangsters,serial killers.They don't experience such pain. What was wrong with me.A full scream burst out of me as my bones felt like they were broken,one by one."Can't we help her alleviate her pain?" Someone asked brokenly."No,I'm afraid not" A voice replied,his voice and words efficient like a doctor's.Was he a doctor? My heart breaks into pieces as I process what the doctor was saying.Was I going to stay like this forever? In pain? NO, I wanted to shout.The endless rage burned on.

          There was no time in my reality.But pain felt controllable.Pain was like an old friend coming to visit after going through so much.Slowly,I felt everything grinding to a sickening stop.Was this me healing or dying? I think,alarmed.The rage in me was changing from white-hot to warmth."Clench your fist,if the pain has stopped" Someone says. Oh come on. Let me bask in my freedom. In my pain-less existence. In the infinite feeling that everything was going to okay.But the thing was I was scared to clench my fist due to the fact that I may,knowingly or unkowingly inflict more pain to myself.I take one huge leap of faith and clench my fist quickly before I can lose my mind.I open my eyes.

           My vision is very blurry then slowly everything becomes so defined. I blink a lot and take in my surroundings. I am in a hospital ward.I take inventory of myself. No cuts,bruises or stained clothing.There is a man and the doctor in the room.The doctor doesn't even acknowledge me as he exits the room. Who the hell is this person, I think as he nears me. He lays his hand on my wrist. I jerk my hand away and look away. "Who are you?" I am startled by the coldness of my voice. I see hurt on his chocolate brown eyes.His eyes looked almost like mine. Oh no. No no no no. "Ange,I'm your father" He tells me in a hoarse voice.I grit my teeth together and will myself to appear cool and composed to him.This sounded like a very bad cliche. I don't say anything."Don't I deserve a hug after coming back?" He pleaded softly.

"Coming back? I don't even remember your face and you come back after more than 10 years,saying you're my father and now you expect me to be affectionate towards you?You left me,mom and Mason without anything" I yell. He looked broken and gaunt but I feel like this is something that is much-needed to be said.He has a long nose and brown eyes,similar to mine but he has ash blonde hair which is straight.He's tall and unusually thin for a parent. He looks young like he was in his 30's which led me to "Why am I here? What happened to me? Where's Xavier?" I shoot questions at him in rapid-fire.

           "I can explain" ,Xavier walks in casually like there was no epic argument between father and daughter.If looks could kill,I would have turned him into ashes on the spot with my glare.He shrugged,a full bodied one too.Rayne opens the door with the bang and rushes to hug me.I melt into her hug and bury my head in her neck.I breathe in her scent and smell citrus.I pull back and say "You smell like oranges".She chuckled and stared pointedly at Xavier.Xavier took a deep breath and explained.

"First,hear me out so questions later,okay.Yeah so you're a healer.And those cliques in school are all paranormal.Those who have curly hair and aquiline noses are Witches and those who are really freckled and tanned are Faeries" A giggle escapes from my mouth on hearing this.He frowns and continues "The other ones are Healers and you are a healer.The reason why some of the paranormal disappear after school is that Witches and Faeries don't need much sleep so they have time to go for the paranormal school to hone their other skills,if you know what I mean". I nod,processing the truth.That meant...I was no longer a freak.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you for reading my book once again and also read my friend's book. Her user name is Catieong so yeah..check her out and continue reading :P

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