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                        "Fancy meeting you again" an unmistakable deep gravelly voice booms. 

                     Shit, we were so screwed. My heart sinks and hopelessness washes over me. It was the Master. Of course it was. How could I be so dumb to underestimate the unlimited powers of an Asylum thug? It's hope,dummy. Hope always make you look on the bright side of things and forget the what-ifs and what-not. I take a step backward without looking behind but the door behind me slams shut. A vile stench assaults my nostrils. I almost gag from the putrid smell and try not to display any emotions. Panting warm bodies surround us. I can't see anything clearly with the flame of one lone torch in a corner of wherever we were. The heat from the Hellhounds' breaths creates a film of sweat on my body. I consider using expletives to demand what they want from me but realise that I don't have any weapon to protect myself with in case my provocation leads to violence. 

                       "What do you want from me" I ask as coolly as possible as if we were in a business meeting in a posh place discussing a business deal instead of being surrounded by wild beasts which could possibly rip our heads off in one fluid motion. There is a click and suddenly all the torches in the room light up. I flinch from the sudden movement and the Master throws back his head and laughs. I am startled as I take in his appearance. He is the most hideous creature I have ever seen. His bare head shines from the firelight as he looks at me with widened eyes. His eyes stay like that even after he takes in my pathetic stance. His eyes are a soulless black with the colour leaking out to the whites of his eyes. His thin lips are pulled back to reveal sharp teeth resembling a...Hellhound's. I swallow the fear and keep my face cold. 

                   "Finally we meet again. Oh..your pathetic face says it all. You didn't expect me to appear here,did you? I'm glad you realised to never underestimate the unlimited powers of an Asylum thug" He pauses for effect and I realise those were the exact same words I had thought when I entered the room. He can read minds too? Despair courses though me. Any plans or ideas to escape this hellhole would be futile. I can't even think of anything with him, reading my thoughts. You are ice. You are stone. You feel nothing I instruct myself. I can't let emotions control me. Suddenly, I have a feeling as though I'm soaring high above the sky. A weightless feeling. I look down but my feet is firmly on the ground. Don't tell me this is some kind of new levitating power that I am finally bestowed upon. My powers have the worst timing.  I try to shake away the feeling and focus on the Master. 

                  "Cut to the chase" you asshole " and quit wasting time. Why the hell do you want me" I snap, losing patience. 

                      The Master's lips pull back in a messed up smile. " You see Destine, you are like a unbloomed flower with much undiscovered. Your pathetic father left you when you were young because he was shocked at how rapidly paranormal side developed. That coward knew that there was something to you that he couldn't name and asked someone to foresee your future. But then again, there was another problem. Pure Seers were very rare at that time but he managed to find one. The Seer was also under my management" He walks around, touching the wall as he went. I glance at Julian and find him handcuffed to the wall. He looked pale with sweat dripping off his hair. I inhale sharply and step towards him. 

                       "Uh uh uh" The Master says in a lilting tone. "Or you'll be brutually handled too" His harsh voice echoes in the room as he grabs a vase and throws it at my direction. 

                         "Where was I, dear?" He asks in a sickly sweet tone.

                         "You were at the part where the Seer was under your control" I manage to get out.

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