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                          "Get her! She's with Angeline! HURRY! WE NEED TO GET THE LAND AS FAST AS POSSIBLE OR-" One of the guys yell as they start chasing with their motorbikes. My heart thumps wildly as I scream at Julian to go faster. He stomps on the gas pedal and we shoot off with the Hellhounds hot on our heels. "What land were they talking about?" Julian asks. "I have no idea! Why did you come so fast? I didn't even listen to what they're talking properly! " I throw my hands exasperatedly. "Look, one of those guys associated with the group of guys back there " He points at the back" looked at me weirdly. I knew he was part of them because they all had these web-like tattoo thing on their arm. He gasped in realisation and started towards you. I panicked and that was why I came so fast. Sheesh!" He stormed. We zig zag through many roads and lanes,all in the hope to lose them. I look back " I think we've lost them" I say. I heave a sigh of relief and we stop at the side of the road. Soon,the evening light permeates the windows. "Now,what do we do?" Julian asks. I shake my head and lean on the window. I close my eyes and relax my tense shoulders.  

                            God..what AM I supposed to do? So Peirce and Xavier were all hellhounds? But Xavier makes Rayne sound so..bad. Wait, so what were they shouting about me? We need to get the land as fast as possible? What land? I tapped my finger on my head. My land? " Land? You mean the land that your house in on" Julian suggested. Oh. Why do they want my land for? Mom wasn't really clear about why we were moving.." Maybe they want it for your house? Because your house has a great view and nice decor" Julian echoed. "NO,YOU IDIOT..that's totally irrelevant to Pierce and Xavier. Besides,it has to do something with paranormal stuff. Who cares about my house! " I point out, irritated. He raises his hands in surrender and shrugs. I remove my shoes and put my feet on the dashboard and wiggle my toes. I feel Julian staring from my side point of view. I turn and he looks away. I lean on his shoulder lightly and raise my hand in the golden rays. We stay like that for a while. I sigh but taken aback at his next question. "Do you like Xavier that way?" Julian scoffed. My jaw hits the floor. I fold my arms " In what way" I ask,wanting to watch him squirm. "You the boyfriend way" He mumbles. I grin like the Cheshire cat and lean in close. I wiggle my eyebrows and whisper "Maybe". His neck and face get pink and I laugh. He shakes his head "I've been wanting to ask something.." 


                    "About us" 

                    "Yeah?" I wonder which direction this conversation was leading to. He shakes his head and looks at me squarely in the eye. " I prefer showing you" He whispers. He grins nervously and grabs my waist. My heart jumps out of my ribcage. Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. He leans in close and subconsciously, I relax into his touch. He puts his hand on my neck and pulls me close. I'm hit by waves and waves of fabric softener and some cologne he probably wears. I breathe in and close my eyes. Suddenly, I remember the last time we almost kissed. I open my eyes but it is too late. He bumps his nose on my cheek affectionately and kisses me. I sink into heaven and run my hands through his soft hair. I pull him deeper and my body moulds itself into Julian's body. He makes a deep noise in this throat and for the first time, I realise how much I've fallen for him 

                I break away when I hear someone knocking the car window. I am mortified when I see Rayne knocking impatiently on the window. I turn and reach over to open the door. She winks at me and Julian. My ears burn and glance at Julian from the corner of my eye. He runs his hand through his hair which looks sexily messy. Sheesh, I was turning into those lovestruck people. "Why are you here? " I ask with a hint of irritation. "I was only knocking the window because I knew you two were doing something inside. If not, I would have gladly thrown open the door" She points out. My whole face is on fire as I die of mortification.

          "I came here because in my vision, I saw you guys being chased and-" 

          "Yeah,yeah,we all know" I cut her off

          " I thought you would want a quick rundown of my next vision" 

          "Vision? What vision? You get visions? " Julian cuts in. 

          " I'll tell you later" I tell him.

         " Yeah so I got flashes of the Hellhounds coming to your house. They asked your brother where you were, nicely like they were just a bunch of friends. Mason got suspicious and told them he didn't know. Then they got on their bikes and started circling the neighbourhood. And...if I'm right, there's one on this trail " Rayne finishes.  

                "Shit " I groan and get out of the car. Julian stays and puts his head on the car seat. Rayne pulls my hitched shirt back down and smiles suggestively. We hi-five each other and bump shoulders. "How did you know we were there?" I ask. "There's a scent for each Healer and your scent is pretty strong so I heard from Hannah that those guys were chasing you guys. Besides, your great escape was pretty much the highlight of this afternoon. All the students in the lot witnessed everything " She sighs. 

             "Oh god...the Hellhounds were really subtle in their moves, don't you think" I remark, sarcasm dripping off my words. "So what do we do now?" I say and look around. There was no one at sight and there was no sound of any vehicle coming nearby.

                    " Other matters aside, I need you and Julian to get out of this place as soon as possible"

             " How-I mean is there a reason that I should avoid confrontation with the Hellhounds, Rayne? Because I cannot stand this anymore. This running away shit just makes me so pissed. Seriously, are the Hellhounds so dangerous and dumb that they won't even consider a civilised conversation to solve the problem and so that I can actually find out why they're chasing me for!" My voice cold and laced with exasperation. Rayne gasps and reaches out to me but darkness edges my vision and it is already too late. 


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