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                 "What the hell happened back there? Who is that guy? " Julian demands. I look back to please my crazy imagination and heave a sigh. We were in Julian's car good distance away from the guy already and had lost him. Everything was and is going so perfectly. My dad is back and I have friends,good ones too. I'm doing well in my studies and I have renewed faith in myself. I have accepted my new life and suddenly this shit happens. I run my hands through my hair and throw my hands on my lap. "Angeline!" Julian says in an exasperatedly. "It's Des...Destine actually" I say and spill everything.

                     I fiddle with my black skirt and thought of why that guy would drag me like that. I shudder and wonder if I should tell Mom but I was scared she would freak out. Without me knowing, I let out a weird hiccupped sob. I leaned my head on the car's window and felt a tear roll down my cheek. I quickly wipe it away and realise my house was coming. Julian had been opening and closing his mouth like a fish after I had told him everything and now he looks at me in something like..concern? I quickly open the door before the car comes to a full stop and run home before he could say those words. I'm so sorry,why didn't you tell me,who was that guy,why are you lying to me for so long,what's wrong with you. I lie on my bed and turn on my stereo. Lana Del Rey's music blasts out and I belt out the lyrics not caring who was listening. I needed to relax and forget about what happened before. I change into sweatpants and a cute shirt with my hair in a horribly messy high bun. I lean my head on my arm and think of what will happen if  Julian tells the truth to everybody.  

                 Suddenly someone rings the door bell like a hundred times and I jump. My breathing becomes shallow and I think of all the people who might be at the door. What if it's that guy? Shit.Shit.Shit. I run down the stairs and peek through the peep hole. My jaw drops at the sight of Julian and Xavier standing together. "What?!" I say through clenched teeth when I open the door a bit. " Well hello to you too" Xavier says and kicks open the door. "Excuse me? This is MY house and watch WHOSE door you're kicking" I glare at them. I look at them for explanation and then I'm acutely aware of the state I was in. My mascara probably ran down and my hair must have looked like a rat's nest. Xavier pushes past me and Julian looks at me with a weird expression-jealousy maybe? Over what? I groan and close the door after the 2 guys come in. "Stay here" I tell them commandingly while I went go and fix my face in the bathroom. 

                   "Why are you here?" I ask Xavier whose open face prompted me to. " Look he asked me what happened to you and I told him about the bastard" Julian said. I gasped " Oh so you'll tell anybody anything even if there's a chance of them being an axe murderer. Are you insane after what happened to us in the carpark?" I yelled at him. The vein in my neck popped out and suddenly Xavier grips my shoulder. "Look it's alright because I forced him to tell me" He says and takes out an intricate looking dagger. "Xavier,that's rude!!" I scolded but soon we both couldn't stop the laughter that bubbled out of our lips. I could only imagine Julian's reaction when he saw the dagger. Julian looked wounded and I calm down. "Okay so what do we do now?" I ask Xavier seriously.

                     " Are you serious? " Julian asks with certainty once I open the door to my dad's room. I had changed to comfy leggings and a long top. " You look very friendly" I tell him and Xavier laughs. Julian was wearing a hooded robe with the hood covering part of his face,making him look like an axe-murderer. I quickly sent Mason a text that I had to go somewhere urgently. "C'mon" I say and hurriedly lock the main door of the house. I have this bad,sinking feeling as if we were gonna get caught  Mason or someone. I rummage through my sling bag to check if everything was there. "Do I tell my dad about today?" I ask Xavier. "Later but not now" He says. Soon we pass the security guard with ease and are walking towards an old building with Xavier leading us. Julian takes it all in with wide eyes. I try to catch his eye and smirk at him but I notice a girl with blonde hair in heels and dramatic eyebrows not-so-subtly winking at him. "Hard competiton " I mutter under my breath but Julian catches it and grins like a cheshire cat. "I'm sorry but would you mind repeating that for me" He asks with a glint in his eyes. I glare at him and try not to blush but it fails and my ears are catching fire. I stand next to him and kick his ass. " Hey!" He tries to catch me but I run to Xavier. From the corner I see his eyes roving everywhere in my direction but I didn't see any hot girls in sight. 

                   "What are you looking at?" I ask innocently but he blushes hard and looks away. I shrug and hurry to the building. I quirk an eyebrow at Xavier but he looks tense and doesn't meet my eye. "Destine!" Someone calls me. I turn and see Rayne. Huh? Why is she doing here? "Can we go now,please?" Xavier pleads. "What why?" I ask but Rayne grabs me and widens her eyes at the two guys behind me. I frown at her but she shakes her head in a tiny movement. O-kay . "You guys just wait here" I command then Rayne drags me to her car. She closes the door and stares at me like I was crazy. I swallow nevously,assessing her glare. "How.In.The.World.Do.You.Know.Xavier?" She says slowly but with a glint in her eyes. 

               I try explaining to her but she stops me and asks " What type is he?" 

              "What do you mean what type?" 

               "What paranormal species is he?"

              Realisations hits me like a truck. "I don't know" I say slowly. "Exactly,that's why you have to stay away from him because he's a hellhound" She tells me and takes out this old weathered book and flips it to a page and shoves it in my face. 

Hellhounds: Vicious creatures that enjoy causing pain and suffering and it hunts accordingly. A favorite pack tactic is to silently surround prey, and then cause two hell hounds to close in and make the victim back into another hell hound's fiery breath. They will attack with their claws and teeth if they have to. If the prey manages to escape, the hell hounds will pursue it relentlessly.They do not sleep or...

           "But that sounds violent and Xavier doesn't even get angry or act manic..a lot" I tell her but then I recall Xavier having those mood swings and the sudden way he changed his words or acted sharp.

   "Yeah so what is the big deal about him other than this? Besides aren't there like tame hellhounds or something?" 

      "C'mon Destine, we aren't in the human world. We have to safeguard ourselves because there is no police that we can complain to but only the Council. Some of them are Hellhounds themselves so we can't really complain"

       "Wait,you know about what happened to me? The guy dragging me and everything?" 

              "Mm-hmm" She says and casually sips the drink in her hand. "Excuse me would you mind telling me how you know that before I combust?" I demand. "Well I can predict futures and stuff so I kind of got a vision and realised it was you in it. Then I saw you with Xavier and Julian so I was shocked. I mean Julian's a human and Xavier is one of them so I was appalled that you would have such bad company here. Besides the Hellhounds are into you because of some reasons and Destine,you have to be very careful,okay? Look around you and don't go into shortcuts or alleys no matter where you are because I got a vision of something really bad happening to you so please" She confesses,not meeting my eye.

                "Do you have any idea of how vague you sound because...wait so first, the Hellhounds are into me for some reason then you tell me you have a vision of me in danger then now some psychopath drags me to his truck so what does this all mean?" I throw my hands in the air,exasperated. "It means you're in trouble" Rayne whispered. 


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