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                   "You're gonna get us killed if you drive at this speed. Slow down, will you!" My voice rises. This girl is such a female dog...if she continues whining and bickering like this, I am so gonna open the car door and just get out. Even then after I disastrously fail and splatter under her tires, she'll be complaining about dirt under her wheels.

                    "You haven't died yet, have you? My car, my rules " She finishes with such finality and bossiness in her tone that just makes me wanna punch the window and then stick her head out. I roll my eyes and look at Julian for his reaction.

                   "I personally favour that motto of yours, Brooklyn " He tells her and reaches forward to turn on the radio. Her name is Brooklyn? How come she told Julian her name? He tries tuning it to a station but all that could be heard is crackles and white noise.

                     "Hey, don't do that man. I have a thumbdrive with songs in there" She says. He nods and presses play. Suddenly, my eardrums are assaulted by hardcore metal music. My eyes widen as I take in the sight of both of them, nodding their heads like crazy.

                 "You dig this music?" I yell at them but the two are too deep into jamming. Unfortunately, I don't have my earphones with me so I think it's safe to say that I will be deaf by the next hour. I just wish Julian sat next to me. At least, we could chit chat until the ride ends but no...he just had to ride shotgun with that girl. Is he even yours to begin with? A voice whispers in my mind. I guess we kissed and shared some spark filled moments but he never announced if he wanted to date or be my boyfriend or anything. He sort of left me in a cliffhanger and now I'm not sure if I should pull a move on him or even affectionately kiss him. Did he leave me to choose? Why the hell are boys so confusing?

                I look out of the window. Rows and rows of trees lined the sides of the road. There was nothing spectacular to look at. All those trees only blocked what was behind them. "Hey, what time is it?" I ask at nobody in particular and I'm greeted with silence. I frown and lean in between the front seats to ask again. Then I realise there's a glow-in-the-dark digital clock.I inhale sharply as a gloom settles in my stomach. It was 7. 45 already. I just hope Brooklyn stops at some gas station so we could freshen up and buy something to eat. I told Brooklyn Dad's address and she told us it wouldn't take long to reach there but she didn't exactly define what she meant by long so I'm guessing it would take up to half a day to reach there. The Hellhounds sure weren't stupid enough to kidnap us in a place not too far from my home or from the exit of the Asylum. They chose a place that was quite remote and distant. Speaking about Hellhounds, how did I manage to make everyone drop dead in a few seconds? My powers only consisted of me healing others. That was it. Also Dad has a lot of explaining to do when we reach home. I can't believe he left out so many important stuff when I briefly stayed with him...does he even trust me? My mind whirls with all the unanswered questions.

                  "Yo, what's your name again?" Brooklyn calls.

                  "I never told you" I snap.

             "Angeline, right? It's okay, here Jules my man has already told me about you" She replies nonchalantly. If only I had masking tape, to tape her mouth shut. When did my nickname for Julian become her nickname for him?

              "What now? Julian! I can't believe you told her about me! Is that even necessary! We asked her for a ride, not a solution to our problems!" Irritation laces my words. 

                "Well, she said that she can't be loading two strangers into her car so I just gave her a quick rundown of both of us" He answered. 

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