The REAL mother

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*time skip to Saturday *

It was FINALLY Saturday. The rest of the week jay ignored me. I think he's finally getting the message. Ava said we should all have a sleepover at my house, which was a great idea might I add.

By now it was 1 am and all if us are surrounded by empty ice cream pale and chip bags. We were all watching the purge election year. I know it's not out yet but we got it off of an illegal sight. Don't tell anyone. The main character started to walk down the stairs to the basement door.

"Don't do it ..." Clara started to say. As she reached for the door handle the room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. She slowly opened the door. We all braces our selves for a jump scare. But it never came. We all looked at the screen confused when all of a sudden a flippin'clown came out of no where. We all started screaming and jumped up.

All the food went everywhere. We had no clue all we cared about was the flippin'clown on the damn TV. The door to my room opened suddenly only scarring us more. My angry tired looking uncle stood in the doorway tapping his foot.

" Do you know what time it is?" He asked calmly which scared me even more if possible. "  I'm not mad. I'm just REALLY tired. Please go to bed." We all nodded feirsly and climbed into my king size bed. " Gurl I love you, but your uncle is scary as hell." I got a chorus of my besties saying " PREACH!" I mumbled a whatever and rolled over and let sleep consume me.

I was woken up by and angelic voice. It was singing. I got up and started to look for the source of the sound. All I could think was 'what is making that beautiful sound?'  The voice led me out of the house and I to the woods. About thirty minutes later I was in a clearing. It was gorgeous. There was a small pond to my right and a flower garden to my left. I'm the middle there was a bench. The bench had vines going up the sides and ancient looking symbols. What was on the bench suprised me the most.

On the bench was a woman. Even though her back was facing me I could tell she was beautiful. She had long blonde hair down to her waist and the tips were white. She wore a long white/siver dress. She slowly stopped singing and stood. She turned around to face me. I was right she was beautiful she had green eyes like me. She had a nose and chin like me. We look a lit alike. She smiled and said " We meet at last my child."

Wait, what? She was that damn voice in my head? The fuck? She seemed to notice my confusion aand told me to sit. I sat on the old bench worried it might break. She stood in front of me and said

" I know you are confused. Let me explain. My name is Selene and I am your real mother. When I was young I met a man, your father, his name was Lucifer and he was the king of hell. We fell in love. We tried to keep our love secret since it was forbidden but, they found out. They started doing terrible things to bad to name. So we moved. We moved to a town in Minnesota where no one would know us. 1 year had passed. We lived normal lives. And then we had you. You were and still are our little angle. One night I was summoned by the moon goddess herself. she told me she needed me to take her place for reasons still unknown. I accepted and went back home to tell you and your father the news. The council was angry. They did not want a mortal girl to be the next moon goddess. So as punishment they sent the hell hounds to trap your father in hell forever. It has been 15 years and I still have yet to see him. What I'm saying is, my time is limited and there must be a moon goddess. And my darling Kasey, you are the next moon goddess."

What the fuck

Everything I know is a lie! My parents aren't my parents, I. the next moon goddess! This is cool but.. Still really weird.

" do you Kasey Leigh meneghini except your position as the next moon goddess?" She asked with a smile on her face.

So I did the only thing I could do


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