The story

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After about 15 minutes of silence we pulled up to a castle. Or a mansion. I don't know it was a big house. Jay parked the car and got out so quickly to open my door.

But being a hybrid I was naturally faster than him. So I got out before he was even halfway to me. I smirked and he just scoffed and looked at his shoes .

" Lets go inside and get this over with." He says. We walk up the driveway to the gigantic house ones walk in. It's so pretty I gasp. The floor is a white marble and there are two stair cases going up in, in the middle of it all a gold chandelier is hanging from the ceiling. Jay drops his back pack on a rack by the shoe May and yells

" MOM IM HOME!" I had to cover my ears it was so loud. A nice looking elderly lady walked in. She was beautiful she had bright blue eyes and a nose like Jay's 'must be his mom' I thought.

"How's my jay-jay bear?" She says while walking up to him. Soon she's 3 feet in front of us. She suddenly stops as if just noticing me. She.eyes me up and then turns to jay smiling. I think she likes me.

" Jay, who might this lovely lady be?" Jay seems to pale. This is going to be fun. " She is just a friend from school." I could sense the nervous in his eyes. I couldn't help but laugh at his use of the word ' friend '. His mom turned to me with a smile and kind eyes. "Well, who are you really?"

I looked at jay.who had a ' please don't do it look on his face ' I smile eviley at him. This is payback. I smiled at his mom " Well, I'm his mate, actually rejected mate. He did it my first day at the school and now where doing a project together. Funny how things work huh?" I learned jays mom's name was tammy, with mind reading powers duh. Anyway, tammy was so red steam was practically coming out of her ears. She slowly turned to jay, who was as white as snow.

" Jay. Christoffer. Blade." Said tammy. It was scary even for me. " Y-ye-es mother?" Jay said. Try was so fast I almost didn't see it. See ran up to jay and smacked him straight up the head. " We will talk about this later. Go do your project." Jay quickly grabbed my wrist and dragged my upstairs. We can to a doom that was practically leaking his scent. We went into his room which consisted of a king bed, a flat screen, a couch and master bathroom. I sat on the couch and took out the sheet of paper given to us by Mrs.Heins. Jay sat down next to me. A little to close. A didn't move away though, I liked the closeness. He smiled at me then looked at the paper. It said,

Hello students, as you might have noticed you have been paired with someone who you are not known to be friendly with. This assignment is to get you to be friends. At the end of this project I don't want any bad blood . To complete the project youist do the following

1. Explain why you don't like eachother

2. Spend one day with partner

3. Write an essay about partner

The.progect is due in 2 weeks and no exceptions . I wish you all luck.


" Well,
Pretty obvious why I.hate you. But I.have a question. Why did you do it."

Jay took a deep breath and began
" It started when I.was 9. It's weird buty best friend was a senier In high school . He had his mate and her name was Abby.
( shout out to SnappleSkye )

She was really pretty and smart and nice.
She called me j-j which was pretty cool to. One day they where walkimge home and decided to take a detour into the forest. We where all laughing and having a good time when out of no where a rouge jumped out at Abby and bit her neck. She dropped to the ground gasping for air. The rouge dragged her to one side of the forest.

I looked to Liam and he was so mad he could kill the thing in 5 seconds the rouge dropped Abby and turned to us Liam was the gamma back then, so Abby was the third most powerful girl in the pack. The rough said he had to kill him or Abby and it was his choice. Liam didn't hesitate and said to kill him. So the rouge snapped his neck. I dragged Abby to the pack doctor but I was so small it took me an hour. She died from blood loss 2 days later. From that day on I vowed I would reject my mate because they made you weak. And being a future alpha I had to always be strong fory pack. That's why I rejected you."

It took a while for all that to sink in, and after it had all I could think was

' oh shit '

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