The carnival

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I walked back to my house after about another hour at Jay's house. His mom is so much sassy in such a small package, I love it. She made us some beef stew to eat and it was delicious. I was still trying to process what jay said back there. I mean how hard must it be to watch your best friend be killed in front of you...

I get home and went straight to bed. I woke up to this intoxicating smell next to me. Being the idiot I am snuggled closer to it. The thing wrapped it's big muscely arm around me and kissedy forehead. I smiled.and almost fell back asleep. Key word being almost. I bolted up and smacked the intruded across the face.

I stood up and got in fighting stance as jay stood up clutching his face. I dropped the fighting stance and walked over to him confused. "What the hell is your problem?! Sneaking in my house and going in bed?!!!?! The fuck Jay?!"

"I thought we could finish the project today by going to the state carnival for the day. And I don't know do stuff... " Jay said holding his jaw and I swear I saw him blush. Just a little though. "Them why the fuck where you in my room on my bed dickface?" I said to him as calmly as I could, which wasn't very calm.

"I don't know it's just you looked so peaceful sleeping and I , I couldn't resist. " I sighed and looked up at him some he was like a giant compared to me. "Fine just get out and let me change." He just smirked "Are you sure you want that princess?" He took another step closer to me. "Yes it is now get out before I have to make you."

He took another few steps toward me so close we were practically touching. He put his lips to my ear and whispered softly "Ok princess" kissed me right behind my eat and left. The fuck? I showered and put my hair in a high ponytail. I put on a 3 button high yellow shorts and a cream tank top with my black converse. I did some light make-up. I went down stairs to walk into a pretty serious conversation with my Uncle and Jay. "Now you listen here boy, I know you. You are a, as the kids are calling it a 'pretty lit guy ' you problem have all the followers on the tweet-tweet and the instantgrams. But, you don't know Kasey. She is wild and free and uncontrollable. She is strong but everyone had a breakimg point. So you watch her and care for her and don't ever leave her or you will have ME to deal with understand?"

At this point I thought jay had had enough torchure for one day and cleared my throught. Both of their heads snapped in my direction. Jay sighed in relief. "Well that was a great little chat Mr.Dablow but, I'm afraid kasey and I must get moving. Bye sir."

I chuckled and walked out after him. We got in his car and I burst out laughing. "HAHAHA omg what was that I'm there? With the ' lit guy' and 'instantgrams' I might have died from laughing in there."I don't know what's so funny I was about to shit my pants." Jay said with all seriousness. This only made me laugh harder and by the time we were in the carnival parking lot I was tearing up. We got out and Jay payed for our tickets, much to my dismay, and we went in.

Me being the person I am.went.straight to the food I ate about 2 cans of coke, cotton candy, 4 funnel cakes and some cheese curds. When I finished the cheese cords jay was staring at me in awe. He then started to poke me saying where does it all go. It was about to get dark so we decided to go to the ferris wheel to watch the sunset. I know it sounds like some cliche chick flick right now but just bear with me. As we were walking I saw the familiar back of a certain blondes head.

Shit shit shit, what Am I going to do? I hid behind jays huge figure. "What's wrong Kasey? Are you ok? in danger? I'll kill anyone who even thinks they can lay a hand on you!" Jay said going into full protectibe mode. Oh shit now I have to calm him down. I put my hand on his arm and he instantly relaxed to my touch. "I'm ok I just saw som-" I was cut off but the bitch himself. Brock. What the hell is he even doing here? He walked over to me and pulled me into a hug. "Kasey, baby Im so sorry i-" but he to did not get to finish his sentence because he was thrown to the ground by a very angry Jay.

He then pulled me in to a hug and whispered 'mine' in my.ear. But them then.the moment.was ruined again by bitchy Brock. Brock stood and shoved me off jay violently. "What the hell man get off my girl." At this point I couldn't take it anymore. I stomped over to Brock.and started my rant.

"You have some nerve, calling me 'your girl's when you cheated on me on my birthday. You lost the privilege to call me that. I have moved on and so should you. Oh and 1 more thing...."

I smacked him across the face "Stop being an immature childish asshole." Then I grabbed jays hand and dragged him to the ferris wheel. The line wasn't long since It was almost dark a lot of people left. We got on and.the wheel stopped at the very top. I'm not that good.with heights. I started to squirm and a cold sweat go we d on my brow. Jay noticed and say down next to me. He grabbed my chin and said while looking in my eyes,

"Youll be ok I'm right here." He started to lean in. Then it happened. We kissed.

And it was magical.

( hello people it is I the author. I would just like to address some things. None of my books will have and sex or R rated content. Also holy shit thank you for 788 reads! Last thing I am holding a book cover contest . The.contest will be a week long and the person who makes the best cover will be featured part in a chapter with the added bonus of having your design as the cover of my book so... Ya that's it and I love you all! 💋)

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