Meeting Uncle Jared and My New Family..

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I wake up to Dad (Jensen) walks in. "Hey" he smiles as he sees me awake. "Hey" I yawn smiling. I stretch getting up. "Rob the dictator wants to ya, same with the moose" he says. "Okay sure" I say a little awkward.

We walk as Misha runs by yelling,"Angry Moose!" With Richard Speight Jr.(the person who plays Gabriel) and Rob Benedict(he plays Chuck, aka God). "What in Chuck's name did you guys do" I ask laughing. "You don't want to know" they say running, I smile laughing as me and Dad walk to where Jared is. We see him covered in whip cream and water, I cringe.

He was mad, or pretending really. Dad laughs, I try to hold back mine. "Ha ha ha, very funny" he says washing off his face as he was given a towel by one of the people. "It's very funny, Jared" Dad says.

"Who this" Jared asks noticed me, I blush as red as my hair.

"Lilac, my daughter" he says, side hugging noticing how nervous I was. "Daughter" Jared asks.

"Adopted but that doesn't matter matter" says Dad, holds my hand and squeezes it. I smile at it, I had a dad. I had a dad!

"Well it's nice to meet you, Lilac. I guess you could call me, Uncle Jared" he grins, holding out his hand. "Please call me Lily" I smile shaking his hand,"Uncle Jared." I add at the end, which made his smile brighten even more.

Soon me and Dad leave after saying goodbye to Uncle Jared. We find Robert Singer, the director. "Jensen, is this the lovely girl you wouldn't stop talking about" asks Rob. "Yes, Rob. This is Lilac but call her Lily for short." Says Dad.

"I'm a big fan of the show, I love your work on it. I have always dream of meaning the cast and you" I smile, inside I'm freaking out.

"I like her, she's a good one Jensen. Take good care of this one" says Rob, walking away. I smile real big.

"Come on, Rob is giving us the rest of the day off" says Dad. We walk to the limo, we get in and leave. We talk the whole away. About movies, shows, and other things. We pull up to this huge house. We get out and thank Bill the driver. We walk up to the front door, Dad opens the door. "Honey I'm home" he jokes. I give a strange look, he sticks his tongue out. I roll my eyes, smiling. "Is she with you" I hear someone, a woman asked. "Indeed she is" he says smiling at me. "Daddy" I hear someone sequel, they run in and to Jensen. It's JJ. "Hey sweetheart" he cooes, he picks her up. "Who's that" she asks looking at me. "That's uour new sister, Lily" he whispers in his ear. "I have a sissy, now?!" She asks shocked and happy. He nods, he sets her down and whisper something in her ear. She nods with a determined face. She walks to me. "Hi, sissy. I'm JJ, wanna play dollies" she asks looking at me with big eyes. "I love to" I smile, no one has ever asked me if I wanted to play. She sequels and drags me to a play room, I look to Dad as she does. He just shrugs laughing at us.

She leads me to a doll house. "This is your doll and this is my doll, her name is Katie" she says. "What's your name" she asks playing as her doll. "My name is Kat" I say as the doll with a good southern accent. We played for a good hour. When JJ looks to the door and smiles, she gets up and run yelling,"mommy!" I look and there stand, Danneel Ackles. Jj hugs her then runs out of the room. "Hi you must be Lilac right" she smiles, I stand up. "Hi, you can call me Lily." I smile. "Just so you know, Lily never hesitate to tell or ask something from me or Jensen. And I would be more than happy for you and JJ to call me uour mom, Jensem told me. He was so happy" she says, her eyes twinkle. "Okay," I say,"mom." I add at the end, this made her smile even more. She pulls me in a hug. "How about you me and JJ go have a girl's day soon" she asks pulling away. "I-i like that" I say nervous, treating up a bit. "Oh I dint mean upset hou, sweetheart" she says swiping my tears. "No its just no one has ever asked me to play or go do something with" I sob quietly.

"Lily, As long as your with us, you will always be loved. You'll always have a home and will never be forgotten" she says looking me, dead in the eye. I nod smiling, she hugs me. I hug back. "Thank you, mom" I whisper. She lets a small happy sob,"No problem, Lily." We just stand there happy, then JDad calls us to dinner. We pull away laughing. We walk to the kitchen and sit with JJ and Dad. We have dinner, my family gets to know me better as I do them. Afterwards, Dad and them blindfold me and walk me upstairs. "Are we almost there" I ask, as we come to a stop. "Now we are now" I hear Danneel. I could feel their smiles. "Me ans Jensen worked on this with JJ all weekend" I hear Jensen say. They open the door, and they tack out. I gasp. The room was beautiful...

There were lights everywhere, they were like bell flowers. The walls were white with hints of rosy pink. All the furniture app kinds of colors like pink, blue, white, and purple. I loved it...

Her Bed;

I walk in and look around, this has to be the wrong room

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I walk in and look around, this has to be the wrong room. "This is mine" I breathe out. "Do you like it" asks JJ, I look at them they are waiting for an answer. "I love it" I smile, I hug them. "Thank you so much" I thank them. They all hug back,"Your welcome." They leave me to my room. I lay on the soft and I sigh with relief. It was so soft, compared to the one at the orphanage. I lay down and relax, I found a home. I found a family.

A place to call my own...

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