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My eyes creep out as they shut quickly because of the bright ass light in my eyes. I groan quietly, I open them again. This time, my eyes adjust to the light. My blurry vision bugged me, I look around. Where was I?

I look to be in a hospital room in a hospital bed. My head hurt like hell, my body ache, my stomache hurt, and my back was sore. I start to gasp for air, doctors rush in. They knock me out and I pass out.

Waking up again 4 hours later, I can see a lot clearer than before. I see cards, balloons, and stuff teddies. I smile sadly, I sit groaning in pain. I look outside, the clouds were dark and it was raining. The wind was howling, I flinch as the thunder stroke the  earth. "Lily..." I hear someone, it was so quiet I could hear them. I look at them, as if it was slow motion. "Dad?" I ask tearing up.

"Lily..." his face face cracks into a grin. I smile, he hugs me like if he would have let go I would disappear or something.  I held on like if I didn't I would slip away again. "Oh Lily, we were all so worried. I haven't slept or eat or anything" he says. "I have missed you guys more than you may think" I whisper on verge of crying. We stayed like that for I say about an hour or so, though neither of us wanted to let go....

(A week later)

Its been a week, I'm back and better. Everyone greeted me with big hugs and other chick flick moments. When I saw how bad Olive looked, I ran at her. I tackled her with a BIG hug!


I was walking with Olive and Johnny, her brother. We were downtown when Olive sees someone she knows. "Hey, Ty! Francee!" A boy with dark skin and black hair turns to us, he had brown eyes. Same with girl, but her eyes looked more black than brown. "Ayyy, Olives. Johnny" they hug each other. "Whos the chick" asks Ty looking at me. "This Liliac aka Lily, my friend I told you about" says Olive. "Nice to meet ya, Lily! I'm Francee" she holds out her hand, happily. I smile shaking her hand,"it is nice to meet you too." "I'm Tyler but my friends call me Ty" says Ty. "Nice to meet ya" I smile. We all hang out and went to this yogurt shop, it was so good!

We laughed and talked all day, Ty and Francee were really good friends. They were sweet but they can be mean but not to their friends. They were HUG fans of Supernatural, I decied to wait to tell them about me being an Ackles. Olive agreed. Then we went to the comic book store, it was amazing!

I got some The Walking Dead, The Flash and other superheroes stuff. Not to mention, Harry Freaking Potter!

We all joked around, we even filmed each other doing random shit...

- Video 1 - (Person holding the camera is Francee)

The group walked through the store being weird, Lily look back to the camera. "What are you doing" Lily ask laughing as the camera moves side to side and up and down looking at her.

"I'm caughting action" says Francee. Lily smirks. "I got action" she says. "Oh yeah?" Francee taunts, she nods. "Do it."

"Okay okay but don't do this at home" they caught up to the group as the looked at comic books about heros. "Hey where we're you" ask Ty,"Whoa! Hey there." The camera was put in his face and back, he grins and starts to fix his hair like he was acting. "Hey do I look like Pairs Hilton?" He jokes referencing a supernatural episode.(Can anyone tell what episode it is from and what season, and I will love forever. Not that I don't already love you guys but yea..)

"Yes, totally" jokes Lily then closes her face to the clear as her friends watched. "It's about to go down" with that she walks weird like waking down a fashoin show walk weirdly making the group, then when she slowo looks at them dramatically then falls forward jver the pile of boxes, making them all brust out laughing. The camera was shaking cause Francee was holding too hard. "Lily.....you dipshit" she laughs. Lily jumps back up like Jensen does all the time, shoot she even had his childish grin. She grins, her childish grin at them. "I'm fine I swear" she says, making them laugh harder. "What do have to say after that gracefully performance" asks Francee holding the camrea to Lily. Her hair was frizzy, she gives a weird goofy smile. "No comment" she says then walking forward and trips falling, they all laugh again. As the manager looks iver and laughs as well. "Your friend okay?" He asks.

Lily jumps up again!

"I is good!" She yells making him chuckle and smile.

- Video 2 - (Person holding the camera is Ty)

Now the group walked outside near the parking garage. They all chented about random things. "Whats with ya guys and cameras" Lily asks looking to Ty. "Well my dear Waston, it is simply memories" he grins. She nods smiling. They all stop waiting to be able to walk acroos the street. Then they are. Then Lily and Olive run for the elevator, they chase after them, the cameras bounces and shakes a they ran. The door almost closes, they walk in. Only for Olive and Lily to run out running as fast as they could. "Lily! Olives" they yell as the door closed. They could hear them laughing, after going up and back down. They walk out to see them smirking. "Hey ya" smirks Lily.

"Fuuuuccckkk yooouuuu" Jokes Ty. They laugh, then all go up in the elevator. Then as they all wait, one person bumps into a button sending off an alert startling them all. "Ahhhhh!" Lily yells, they all scream. As soon as the door open, they book it. Lily ran the fastest, she was across the parking lot. "Damnnnnn! Lily" yells Johnny, they laugh.

- Video 3 -

It's a slideshow of them dancing and going places. Also them being goofy and silly like dancing and doing random stuff.

- Video 4 - (Person holding the camera is Johnny)

They were at an old road near by, Olive was on her skateboard. The others were with her, they were getting ready to do the dare. "Ready" yells Johnny. "Ready!" They yell. "Go!"

With that, they run down the street yelling. "I love DUCKS!" They scream running making John laugh. "That was amazing!" He laughs....




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