The Return Of Scar

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I was out jogging, its been a few days since I started acting. Both the episode of Supernatural and TWD would be airing tomorrow. I was nervous as hell, but what if I wasn't good? What if they don't like me? Also my mind has been on the Grant Question a lot. Should I ask him out? I think no at first cause I technically just broke it off with Chandler, well really he broke it off with me. But that doesn't matter. We are still good friends.

Also I love Scout, they are amazing. Having them play as my sister is amazing. As I jog, I turn the corner and collide with someone. "Whoa, I'm soooooo sorry," I help the person up. I was shock it was Scar after months, I finally found her. "Oh hey Lils," she says.  "Hey whoa is that a bruise?" My fingers trail over a formed bruise on her cheek. She pulls away. "No!" She says too quickly for my liking. "Scar, is he abusing you?" I ask. Scar always told to never let someone rule you even if you get abuse. Never give up the fight, she would tell me. "No, no. Jackson loves me," she stuttered out. She only stuttered if she was lying. "Lair..." I say. She looks at me and sighs knowing she can't lie anymore.

"Fine, so lately Jackson has been a bit mad," she says. "A bit?! Scar, he's hitting you, you're moving out," I say, ever since moving in with the Ackles, I have grown out that shy pathetic girl, I was a new me. "No no, I can't. He said he help get Nikki out that place," Scar says teary. It hits me, she was only stuck in that relationship with him was cause he hit her and said he get Nikki out. I take a deep breathe and remember Uncle Jared taking to Aunt Gen months back about adopting a girl or two. I smile, taking her hands which makes her look at me like a deer in headlights. "I know a good and perfect plan," I smile.

We make it back to my house, Dad was playing Chase with JJ. And mom was out of town. "Sissy's home!" JJ runs at me and jumps in my arms. "You're back!" She smiles. "I'll always come back," I smile at her. Scar looked at us as if seeing a Flashback of her and her sister. I remember the day she left, it was so sad and poor Nikki, she cried for days on end. "Whos that?" JJ asks. "That's an old friend of mine from the orphanage, her name's Scarlet," I say. JJ walks up to her, Scar tenses up.

"Hi Swarlet, do you wanna dollies with me?" JJ asks with doe eyes. In that moment I knew, Scar see Nikki in JJ. She cracks a weak smile. "I love to," she says, JJ sequels and drags her happily to her play, the same one she dragged me to on my first day here. I chuckle at Scar's face. I walk to Dad, who's panting from all the running. "She wear you out?" I ask smirking.  "Yea," he breathes out. I laugh. "Dad, Jared looking or thinking of adopting two girls, right," I ask. "Yea.....," Trails Dad. "Good," I say, I explain what has happen, and her past and sister. "I think its wonderful idea," we turn and see Aunt Gen and Uncle Jared. "Aunt Gen, Uncle Jared!" I hug them. "Hey kid," smiles Jared. "Hello sweetheart," says Gen. "Now is that girl in the room with JJ and the boys, Scar?" She questions, I nod. "And she's 17?" Jared asks. I nod again. "I think we know who we are going to adopt," they smile. "You really want to adopt me?" We look and see Scar teary. "Of course, we always wanted a girl or two, and you are perfect," smiles Aunt Gen. "Not to mention the boys love you," smiles Jared. "I-I be honored," she stutters out almost sobbing. They hug, I look at Dad feeling real good helping Scar and Nikki. We hug too. The boys stay here while Dad, Jared, Gen and Scar went to the orphanage to get Nikki and whatnot.

"Lillie, I'm bored," whines Thomas. As Austin and JJ run in whining too. I smile softly and began to sing,

By the time, I'm done. They are all asleep, I set JJ on the lovers seat. And the boys on the couch. I get up go my own room and fell asleep. I wake up to my phone ringing. I pick it up. "Hello?" I ask groaning still half asleep. "Hey, Lils," it was Grant. "Hey," I yawn. "Oh I'm sorry did I wake up," he says. "Yea buts its okay, really." I reassure him. "Oh okay what are you doing?" He asks. "Mmmm I don't know yet, I'm really just watching JJ and the boys while Dad, Jared and Gen are out." I say. "Cool, cool." He says. We chat but then I hear the door open and I walk downstairs and see Nikki. "Nik!" I yell. She looks my way and smiles wide. "Lolly!" She jumps in my arms. She could never really say my name, so she called me Lolly. She had brown hair and beautiful brown eyes much like Scar's. They both can pass as Aunt Gen's and Uncle Jared's kids. "Ghess what?" She asks. "What?" I say. "I was adopted!" She cheers. "Really now?" I ask amused. She nods. "I'm really happy for you," I tickle her. "And we gonna be cousins!" She says. I laugh and say," Yes, yes we are." (Does anyone get that?)

" (Does anyone get that?)

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