Heading Home

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    The next day we were leaving, and I was sad to leave my new friends and Chandler so soon. Chandler and me were in the lobby and holding hands like those old romantic movies. The real cheesy ones. "I'll call you as soon as we land in L.A" I say. "Promise?" He asks. "Promise" I smile up at him, him being taller than me. He smiles pecking my lips. I smile kissing back. "No boys!" We hear my dad yell. We pull away laughing. "Come on, Jensen. She's happy" points out Misha, as him, Rob and Richard walk out with their things. "I guess but one wrong move and-" he tries to threats him. "Dad" I warn him. "Sorry, its just being a dad" he laughs nervously.

We give him amused looks. He walks away. We laugh. "I'll miss you" Chandler says. "I'll miss you too. But don't worry we'll see each other again when that audition coming up" I smile. "I'll be there for sure" he grins. We kiss one last time before we separate.

I was grinning like am idjiot the whole way and I didn't care, I was happy! We get home and Mom starts ask all these questions about him when JJ asked. "Who's that?" "That's your sister's boyfriend" says Mom. "But boys are gross, they have cuties" she giggles. "What about Thomas and Austin" I ask teasing. "Or West?" Adds Mom. "But they're different" she protests. We laugh. "Enough boy talk, let's talk about your sissy's audition!" Says Dad, lifting up JJ. "Sissy gonna be on Tv?" She asks. He nods humming. "Yay!" She yells. I laugh. "That's great sweetheart" mom hugs me.

"Actually I got two" I say shyly. "Even better" mom laughs, we all have dinner and I call Chandler.


C: "Hey babe"

L: "Hey"

C: "How did your mom take it?"

L: "Good real. As did, JJ. What do your parents think?"

C: "They are happy, they wanna meet you soon."

L: "Cool I can't wait to meet them."

C: "I got to go, my mama needs help with dinner."

L: "Okay, call you tomorrow."

C: "Okay bye."

L: "Bai."

I hung up as Dad calls me down for our normal horror night. We watch horror movies and we become pussies and become scared like weeps. It's funny. It was good to be home....

(Hey guys I know it's short but I have been having writer's block for this story, but next chapter for sure will be long! Promise!

Until next my lovely people,


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