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A.n: One of the spots have been taken by OliviaVanHorn9 enjoy! Outfit;

n: One of the spots have been taken by OliviaVanHorn9 enjoy! Outfit;

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I learned Jensen freaking Ackles is my godfather. I told him that was my mom and we bonded. I was so happy!

Dad and Mom sign me up for school and its my first day. I'm nervous as hell. "Lily breakfast!" Yells mom. "Coming!" I yell.

I run downstairs. "There she is, how are you Lils" asks Dad kissing my forehead. "I'm good" I smile. Uncle Jared, Alona and Misha were here. Alona left after helping me choose my outfit.

"Lovely as always Lils" smiles Misha cheseliy. I smile joining my family for breakfast, we laugh and ate then Dad was going to drive me to school. "Wait! I need a picture of you before you go" yells mom grabbing her camera. I laugh.

"Okay pose!" She says. "Okay?" I chuckle. I pose weirdly like I'm some superstar. They laugh as dad, uncle Jared and Misha join me in posing. Then we leave.

"Okay. You have your phone? Your backpack? Notebooks"he rambles. "Jensen bubby calm down your acting like you sending her away" says Uncle Jared. "Sorry, just not use to you not being at home or with us" he blushs. "Dad I'll be fine I promise, I love you" I kiss his cheek, then kiss my uncles cheeks. "Tell everyone I say hi" I smile getting out. "Bye Danneel will pick you up okay" says Dad. I nod,"Bai!" They drive away, wow I feel alone. I walk up the steps in the hall, every one looked me and I'm felt so out of place...

I walk to the office and see this girl my age with light brown hair and green eyes. "Here you are, Olive" smile the woman. "Thanks" the girl nods smiling. "Oh may I help you" the lady asks noticing me. "Hi I'm Lily A." I say. I go by A, so people wouldn't know though I wouldn't be surprise it they been if they saw Misha's video. "Oh of course" she smiles and hands me my schedule. "Thanks" I smile.  "Olive with you please be miss A's guide today, show her around." The lady asks.

"Sure whatever" the girl named Olive says. "Come on" she says. We leave. "I'm Oliva but you can call me, Olive" she holds out her hand. "Well Olive I'm Lilac but call me Lily" I shake her. "I like you, your not stuck up." She smiles. "Your cool as well" I smile. We talk and actually became friends, we had all the same classes.

We liked the same bands and music and all that jazz. She didn't know I was an Ackles and she still wanted to be my freind. At lunch we ate together. "Tell about your family" she says. "Well my dad is um famous along with the rest my family like my uncles and mom" I say. She nods,"cool." "What about yours" I ask. "I just live with my brothee, who's very protective of me" she says. "Wheres your parents" I ask, her face turns sad. "They died two years ago" she says.

Oh Olive...

"I'm sorry," I say. "No, its okay. I just miss them so much" she sobs quietly. "If it makes you felt better I don't remember my parents  that much" I admit. "But I thought..." she starts I shake my head.

"I lost my family as a kid, I was sent to this Hell of an orphanage then not ever a month ago. My godfather found me" I say. "Oh I didn't know" she says. "Its fine can you keep a sercet" I ask.

She nods. "Do you watch supernatural" I whisper. "Of course, hunters for life ya idjoit" she smiles, I smile right back. "Why" she asks.

I whisper it to her. She stares at me. "Really?!" She asks, I nod smiling. "Thats awesome!" She sequels," Me and my brother started to watch it when um the accident happen..."

For the rest of school, was okay. We had a Great time together. She was so fun and kind to me, maybe a little rude to others but nothing to big. Besides they were rude to her first...

I think I just found a new freind...

After school, I asked if she wanted to come over. She's said she couldnt, her brother needed her. I said it was fine, she showed me a picture of him. His name is Jonathan.

The picture of him;

We wait for her brother to pick her up

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We wait for her brother to pick her up. He comes in an old but good truck. "Olive!" He calls. "That's my ride, see you tomorrow
, yea?" She asks. "Of course" I smile, she smiles back and runs to her brother's truck. "Bye Lily" she yells as they drove away. "Bai, Olive!" I yell waving. Soon, mom pulls up with JJ in the back. "Hey" she smiles, I climb in and buckle up. "How was school" she asks as JJ was sleeping, she looked so cute when she slept.

"It was awesome, I even made a friend" I smile. "Oh, do tell" smiles mom. "Well her name is Oliva but can her Olive. She's 16 with green eyes, light with a mix of dark hair and she loves supernatural" I smile. "Sounds like a good friend" she says.

We get home, JJ wakes up and wants to play. I tell her I will when I'm done with my homework. She was soo sweet, she asked if she could help me so I be done faster. Mom told how it was hard, she went to watch Bubble Guppies, and mom helped me so it be done faster since JJ really wanted to play.

After like half an hour, we finish. I put my stuff away and join JJ as another show comes on. It was Diego The Explorer, Dora's cosuin. We watch it, I was actually on my phone while JJ watched it. She loved it!

"Sissy?" I hear her ask. I look up and see her on my lap and looking at me with big eyes. "Can we play now" she asks.

"Of course, why dont you get your shoes on and we'll go in the backyard?" I ask, she nods happily. She takes off running to get her sheos. I laugh getting up stretching. "Mom we are going in the backyard!" I yell as JJ runs back with her cute little sheos on.

"Okay!" Yells Mom. We go outside to the backyard. There was a pool, a playground, swings, a small garden, and grill. "Push me on the swings, plz?!" She asks. "Of course" I laugh, she runs to them.

I laugh following. I push her on them and she ramble about her day making it seem longer than normal cause her imagination. Which was very adorable if I do say myself...

As she did, I didn't realize that dad got home with Uncle Jared and Misha and were watching us. JJ sequels laughing,"Higher!" I push so she went high, she laughs. "I beliewe I can fly" sings JJ. "I believe I can touch the sky" I sing. We laugh, then she watched clouds. So I lay a blanket that I brought out, we layer down and watched clouds. "Its a bunny!" JJ points to a cloud.

"It sure is, JJ. It sure is."

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