6. Plotting

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Elias POV

I groaned gently, she wasn’t leaving... she was still here and growing stronger. The line up of men she had tossed aside was already growing and it had only been a week or so. She was like a machine... an interesting machine. A waste of space. She needed to be stopped, this was terrible.

Pulling the covers up a little more I sighed gently and shook my head.

“Not now Beth” I grumbled, nudging the girl away as she bit on my neck and tried to get attention. I could hear her muttering to herself as she got up, slipping her clothes on and walking out, slamming the door as loudly as she could on the way out.

Trick her?

Trick her and scare her off.... Even if it doesn’t do that, at least she won’t be left untainted... like a brand every woman in the area came to me. Like a pain they loved.

Like a desire they crave.

By a week today... she will be mine. I will have her... I will—

“Elias!” a voice rang through the house.

“What?!” I shouted back, not wanting to move from the bed and my planning.

“Get down here!” the woman’s voice continued. It was Beth, why the hell hadn’t she let? With a low groan I pulled myself from the bed, hair tousled and chest bare before walking down towards the kitchen, raising an eyebrow and shaking my head.

“What?” I grumbled, clearly not wanting to talk to her, but she ignored me and went on a ramble about the lack o food.

“If you don’t like it, go the fuck home!” I snarled, almost instantly cutting her off as I realized what she was talking about, the poor girl looked like I had just slapped her in the face but I shrugged it off and shoved her out the house before closing and locking the door.

Walking back into the kitchen I grabbed myself something to eat, toast because it’s easy, before walking back up the stairs with a mug of tea and crawled back into bed, flicking the TV on I let whatever show came up wash over me as I ate. Still trying to work out how I was going to get Lana.... she was a difficult one. I knew my usual flirting wouldn’t work.

She wasn’t like the others.

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