4. Customers

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Lana’s POV

A week in and people were loving me, not in a big headed sense... but they were. Things seemed to be going pretty well so far and as far as I knew, there were no issues with the boss... or anyone for that matter, I was left to my own devices. This was the easiest money I’d made... it was all going well.

Too well.

Maybe something would go wrong soon? But then again, maybe this was just a good choice, something that would make my life a lot easier. No one had come after me. I hadn’t heard from Damian and although it hurt... I now it’s needed, he’d been in too much danger if he came too, he has no business in a place like this... he isn’t wanted by anyone dangerous like I am. He wouldn’t last five minutes in a place like this.

I’d spent the time I wasn’t with men... and a few women at that, with Old Billy. He had taken it on himself to show me the ropes and keep me out of danger, help me keep my nose clean and stop any more trouble coming my way. He was a nice, if not a little over eccentric, old man. It turns out he grew up in his park of town, his family had always lived around her, sell drugs or their bodies to keep him and his siblings fed and protected. But due to different illnesses and infections they had slowly died off, leaving him as the sole survivor. I felt bad for him, the poor man had watched everyone die and been left to fend for himself.

It was a sad life, but not uncommon around here. Everyone I’d come to meet and talk to had had some kind of tragedy in their life, whether it was death, divorce, murder, family in jail. No one had it easy. It felt a lot more like home to my than my real home ever had. Here I was myself, no worries about what people would think.

I was free.

There had been word going around the past day or so, that someone new would be coming to find a woman for the night, someone powerful. Everyone was frantically trying to get ready for him, making him choose them over the others. And yet I sat by the fire with the old boys and chatted, not really fused. Of course it would be amazing to be chosen, he would pay better than everyone else had. But I wasn’t going to work my ass off for one night. He probably wouldn’t even be all that good. With a gentle sigh I looked over at Jack out of the corner of my eye as he spoke.

“You know, you really should try for this one, he would be a good man to have on your side” he smiled and I shook my head.

“If he wants me, he can see how I really am; I’m not going to be fake just so one guy wants me. There will be plenty of others” I replied with a shrug and the boys looked at each other. They all knew I wasn’t going to change my mind, not any time soon at least.

He would be arriving any minute; people would start swooning over him. I shook my head and turned my attention back to the drink in my hand, this was going to be a long day and i really couldn’t be bothered with it.

An expensive looking black car pulled up just outside the start of the back streets before a chuffer got out the car and walked around to the back before opening it. Out stepping a man, recently shined black shoes came first, followed by a large man in a clean suit, black shades covered his eyes and I couldn’t help but roll mine. He was obviously trying to flash how wealthy he was at everyone to try and get all the girls to want him. As he walked in I heard the women muttering to each other before they each did their best to flirt with him, all except me. He seemed somewhat put out when he saw I wasn’t drooling all over him like all the others, but he was just another man.

Another pay check.

He could have someone else.

After some carefully decisions one woman was picked out against the others, she was a stunning blonde, tall smooth legs, a large bust and slim waist, she tottered off on his arm in her far too high heels. The only sound was the clicking heels before a door slammed shut and there was silence again. Other than the girls complaining about how they hadn’t been chosen as the one to sleep with him. Rising to my feet I kissed old Billy’s head and sighed some.

“Of course he’d go for Onyx” I shook my head and he smirked.


“No, why would I be jealous? He’s just a man... there are plenty more” I said simply, my tone even and somewhat cold as I looked down at him, though he was laughing along with the other men and shaking his head, showing he didn’t believe what I was saying. But it was true. I didn’t care. He was just another man. There were enough for each of us to have at least three most times of the day and some for spares. There would be more like him to come soon enough.

“Lana, why didn’t you even try?” Beth asked, shock in her voice and across her features.

“Because there isn’t a point, if he needs to be impressed so bad he clearly isn’t worth the time... there are enough men wealthier than he is. I’m not going to waste my time proving myself when I can just have some of the ones that will come later” I replied with shrug before walking towards my little room to get ready for the others.

The bedroom was small, Billy had given me one of his rooms, a small, dusty shoe box of a room with barely enough space, but I liked it... it was enough for me and that was all that mattered, as long as I could fit. Different bags with different substances littered the room along with other necessities. Though most of the time the men had other places to go sometimes they would just stay here. It was easier, but going out was always more fun. 

{Words 1090}

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