20. Realization

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Lana’s POV

I woke slowly, looking around to see Elias still asleep beside me, but unlike the first time I stayed in his arms, gently brushing some hair from his face. He looked so peaceful like that, so content in his sleep. Like nothing could worry him right now, it was a nice change from his stubborn, angry normal self, his hair flopped over his eyes as he breathed gently, his chest rose and fell and his arms stayed around me, tensing a little as he pulled me closer. My head went back to resting on his chest as I sighed contently.

“What’s happening with us?” I mumbled under my breath.

“What do you mean doll face?” a muffled voice replied, making me jump.

“I thought you were asleep...” I breathed as he chuckled and rolled onto his back.

“I was. But you woke me by moving” he grinned and I blushed, curling up into him a little more.


“No worries doll” he teased as he leaned over and kissed my nose, I knew I must look a mess, I’d been crying for hours before falling asleep and even crying a little in my sleep. As I sighed gently I pulled the covers over us a little more.

“You know, this is the first time I’ve slept in the same bed as a girl and not done anything with her” he teased, making me smile and giggle gently.

“That’s what I wanted to hear” he breathed, kissing my neck as I pulled myself to sit up and looked at him out of the corner of my eye.

“Want something to eat?” I offered and he nodded, pulling himself up too, we both made our way into the kitchen to cook.

As I started making pancakes, scrambled eggs and bacon, Elias wrapped his arms around my waist from behind as he rested his head on my shoulder and nuzzled my hair gently. This was weird, I wasn’t used to any of this.... we weren’t meant to be like this, he wasn’t meant to be caring.

But in the back of my mind, a voice told me this wouldn’t last; he wouldn’t stay like this when we went outside.

I finished cooking and plated the food up before I slipped from Elias touch and lead him to the table, leaving a plate for Billy under a plate so he could eat it when he woke up, he was probably still passed out in the living room with a bottle in hand. It’s how I found him every morning so far. With a small shake of my head I walked over to the table and sat down, watching as Elias grabbed some drinks and walked over, sitting one in front of me before he leaned over the table and kissed my cheek, sitting back down after a few seconds, we both began to eat.

It didn’t take long for Elias to finish his first plate and get up for seconds, resting back I bit on my lower lip and sighed gently, something seemed wrong, but I couldn’t put my finger on what it was, there was just a slightly dull feeling in the back of my mind, like either something bad had recently happened or would be happening soon.

Finishing up, I cleaned quickly before walking out to the porch with Elias behind me and walked to the swinging porch bench, Elias sat first before he pulled me into his lap and I curled up some.

“Hey Lana...” he started and I looked up.


“It’s Halloween soon... wanna go to the Halloween party at the club together?” he offered and I smiled and nodded.

“Sure, that would be cool, dressed up or not?”

“Dressed up... but what?” he replied with a cocky grin.

“What about if we do.... a stripper and a bouncer?” I offered.

“Hmm... I think I should be a devil and you...” he purred. “My sexy angel” he chuckled and I smiled and nodded.

“Sounds good to me, we could go get costumes in a little while” relaxing into his touch as he folded his arms around me. We both lay on the bench together for a little while, Elias gently swinging as he kissed the back of my neck and my shoulders.

It felt nice to be in a man’s arms.

But it was cut too soon when Elias got up and pulled me up with him, kissing my cheek he took my hand and lead me back into the house.

“Come on, let’s go get the costumes now.... I have a customer later” he spoke evenly and I nodded, though a tinge of jealousy shot through me as I walked into my room and changed quickly, pulling on skinny jeans and a shirt before I grabbed my tattered black converse and pulled them on, not really bothering with makeup as I threw my hair into a messy bun and walking to the door, watching as Elias walk out I followed him. I’d been here a good couple of months now.... and I still didn’t know where the costume shop was, so I took his hand and let him lead me over there, stifling a yawn as I saw the massive shop come into view.

Walking in, I was instantly overwhelmed with how many different costumes there were. Heading towards the women’s costumes at first, knowing it would probably take longer to find, finding rows upon rows of different angel costumes, they seemed to go in order, most conservative to least. Looking through the middleish area before Elias pulled out an outfit that was basically just a bra and thong with wings, shaking my head I continued to look, pulling out a long dress with a low scoop neck line and wings but Elias wrinkled his nose in disgusted.

We continued pulling dresses out, neither agreeing on what the other chose before finally we settled on one, a white corset with a white mini tutu, wings and a halo.

“Perfect” I grinned and Elias chuckled, passing it over and nudging me towards the changing room.

“Mines a secret” he smirked. While I walked to change he moved off to look for his own, his was a complete secret, mine would be half a secret, he knew what it looked like on a hanger, he won’t see what mine looks like on till he comes to get me for the party. Looking at myself in the mirror I nodded a little, though I knew I would never fully be satisfied with how it looked, it was good enough for me. Putting it back on the hanger I walked out to pay to find Elias already waiting for me, his bag looked too small to have a full costume in it, making me more curious than I would normally be about it, but with a small sigh I paid quickly and walked over to him. 

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