13. Operation Black Watch

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  • Dedicated to Myles


 Operation Black Watch 

3rd person

Only in the city of sin do we find where the decrepit and debilitated rest, this place is where chaos and injustice reign supreme. We are here to bring order to this savage place, and if we need to…we will kill every single person if it means bringing the light to this dark place. 

Black Watch, a paramilitary group used to diffuse gang activity in their boundaries of operation; they use unconventional methods of completing their missions, even if massive civilian casualties are a result of it. Their leader is Commander Kraven Blackwater, he is a decorated military officer with at least 8 tours of duty attached to his career. In effort to curb the tide of gang activity, the United States government quietly signed into law an action plan to deal with illegal gangs and activity, this was named Bill 68 which allowed for full military intervention to disrupt and take down dangerous gangs. On August 21st, Black Watch was dispatched to New York to investigate as well as remove a very dangerous criminal underworld. They were told act quickly and to use all the force they needed to remove the threat, to matter the cost. 

“Sir, we have a visual, permission to take the shot?” a voice muttered over the headset he had on. A sly smirk spread across his face as he peered over the railing to stare down at the alley below him, two people were exchanging drugs, no doubt two dealers exchanging their product for distribution to other parts of New York. Kraven tilted his head to eye the rest of his soldiers who took positions around the alley to make sure the targets were killed, even if one or both somehow survived the initial attempt.  

He adjusted his microphone on his headset. “Permission granted.” He muttered into the device, a few moments of silence befell them. The silence was quickly interrupted when two distinct clicks could be heard, as he watched the targets below one of the bullets tore through the males’ skull, killing him instantly. The other man was not as lucky since the bullet tore through his neck, causing him to double over in pain before he bled out in the alley. “Good work boys, confiscate their merchandise and head back to the safe house, we will plan our next move from there.” Kraven muttered once more into his headset, he let out a steady sigh as he pushed himself from the railing to eye the three soldiers who had accompanied him onto the roof to oversee the proper execution of the two petty drug dealers. 

One of the men pulled up his mask, which was decorated like a skull, to reveal a fine crafted face with dark brown hair and green eyes. “Sir when we get back I have some important information that you will be interested in hearing, there is going to be a meeting of some of the biggest figures of the underworld, I thought we could assault this meeting while it is in progress, this way we can deal a crippling blow to crime in this district.”  

Kraven nodded as he waved the men off. “Back to the safe house, now!” 

Several hours had passes but all of the soldiers were accounted for as they gathered around a sturdy wooden table with a map of the underground that sprawled across the fine wood. “Good to see everyone is alive, we accounted for about ten thousand dollars’ worth of cocaine from our now deceased friends up above. This means that the problem here is extensive if this much money is being tossed around, we have a lot of work to do here if we are going to complete our mission of cleaning up New York. Some very important Intel had come in from one of our own, there is going to be an important meeting in a few hours of the underworlds most prominent figures, we are going to hit the meeting and kill as many of them as we can. If we can knock them out, then the rest of the underworld will fall. He stated as he pulled out a black marker and circled the supposed meeting zone; it looked like a large warehouse, nothing of significance to the outside world. 

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