24. Another Day

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Another day

Lana’s POV

Rolling onto my stomach I gave a small grunt of displeasure, my head was pounding and as my eyes opened, the ground was spinning. Looking to my side I noticed Elias passed out on the bed beside me, his costume still in place, devil horns lopsided. My eyes then moved to the clock... I was late. Of course I was late for work. It was annoying how many jobs I had to have to keep up with the rent now I was paying on my own, I had a waitressing job during the day, a bartender job in the evenings and prostitution and drug dealing whenever I found customers.

Running a hand through my hair and pulling it from where it was stuck to my face I pulled myself to my feet, the bruises and claw marks still shone all over my body, but I needed to get to work. Sniffing my hair and clothes I let out another groan and walked towards the bathroom. Shower first. I couldn’t go into work smelling like an ash tray. Most of the previous night was a blur. Everything after Casey and the girls seemed to rush by in a hazy blur.... but then again, that was just the sign of a perfect night. I heard movement behind me and glanced over to see Elias slowly rising. He seemed more out of it than me, and I could have sworn I drunk more. I ignored his grumbled good morning and walking into the bathroom to grab pain killers and took two before throwing the packet at him. He growled as it slapped him straight in the side of the head and I gave him a cute smile.

Stepping into the shower when the water had heated up enough I let it wash over me, getting rid of the scent of booze and smoke, the scent was starting to make me feel somewhat nauseous, the alcohol still in my system wasn’t helping much, but I pushed through and got myself showered and changed in twenty minutes. Heading to the door I looked up at Elias again.

“I have work.... I’ll be home in a few hours” I muttered before kissing my cheek and running out the door and to the motorbike sat waiting for me. The engine was kicked to life and I sped to the diner. The boss was not happy.... He was fuming but oh well, he didn’t say anything just nodded towards the changing rooms and then to the check out I would be working.

Another day, another wave of grumpy customers. What’s the point? They’ll get me either way. Maybe if I just hand myself in... They might go a little easier on me? Then again... maybe not. I could just run if they don’t know where I am, they can’t do anything... but they’d probably just come and find me and drag me back. No matter what I do, they’ll drag me back her and get what they’re owed one way or another. There’s no escape—here comes another angry customer. Angry as always. Why do they bother coming back if they know we’ll get into an argument? They should do us both a favour. *sigh*Just shut up! Go somewhere else if you aren’t happy! Stop pestering me... I’m going as fast as I can—There... Goodbye... oh, don’t say it back?! Fine.... Next time I’ll get someone to spit in it. That will teach you to mess with me yet again.... Asshole. The line is so long, there are so many people today... Why? What makes today so special? Just get on with it Lana!

Shit! Here they come, no I’m meant to have till Friday... What’s he doing here? Fucking dog, just running around doing the others dirty work. Bell rings, he’s walking over. Does he even know who he’s looking for? What I’ve done? How much would they have actually told him? Most likely just a picture and money. He’s walking over. The dirty fucker already has his hand on his gun, like I need the thread. Like he needs to scare my customers like that! This is between me and him; I’m the one that owes his stupid gang money, not them. Don’t you dare pull that thing out here! I’m dead... this is it. He’s coming over to me, he knows I’m the one they want... he knows I’m his prey.... I’m who he’s here for. Just ignore him Lana... just pretend he’s not here, get on with serving drinks to your customers. Oh! There’s a hand, quick, just run over and serve them, hide away from him, it’s a busy night, maybe I could get away with this. Maybe I could actually hide, he looks pretty stupid.

Then again, maybe not. He’s shooting, what the fuck does he think he’s doing? Maybe I should go and stop him? Tell him it’s me? He’s killed someone, the bastard. Go on Lana, tell him you’re who he’s looking for... show him you aren’t scared- but you are.... of course you’re scared. The last time a gang got you your dad gave you the death sentence... no one’s here to save you tonight. No one will get in the way, the customers are already running, a few of the bigger men here, the drunker men want to help but I shake my head and move over. Face to face with him... what do I say now? What do I do now? I need to get him out of the bar. Then I can talk to him in person...Sadly my father’s gang wasn’t the only one I owed money to.

I watched the man as he turned slowly and looked down at me, gun still in hand, his smirk never fading. He was too cocky. It was pissing me off.

“I have until Friday!” I told him sternly, arms crossed over my chest, not showing any signs that I was scared, not that I was. Well, maybe a little. He wouldn’t see the fear, that was for sure.

“Plans change doll face” he purred lowly.

“That isn’t fair, they can’t not give me a chance to get the money.” I growled as I watched him cock the gun. Sadly this wasn’t the first time a gun had been pushed to my head. I ignored it at first, hoping he’d realize I didn’t care all that much and take the gun away.

“Life isn’t fair doll” he replied with a shrug and I frowned.

“Give me till tomorrow... I just need a little more and I don’t have any of it on me” I tried to plead but he shook his head.

“Please... you can’t do this” I continued, trying to get him to agree, but he was determined. Moving one hand I slipped a small dagger from a hidden strap on my waist. Pulling out, I managed to move my hand up to cut the wrist he was holding the gun in, making him cry in pain and drop his hand down, covering it with his other hand.

“Bitch” he snarled, hitting me across the temple with the back of the gun before he threw me against the wall, making me stumble a little. Trying to keep my balance, the knife still in hand as I watched him close. Seeing him coming towards me, gun in his other hand this way and blood dripping from the other hand. My eyes scanned the alley, trying to work out an escape route.... but there weren’t any, he was in the way. I didn’t want to have to hurt him any more than I already had, but maybe that was the only choice I had? I bit my lip as I tried to move a little but he quickly stepping in the way.

“It’s one day... what’s the harm?” I asked angrily as I tried side stepping him again but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to the wall. This wasn’t going so well, but there was no point screaming or trying to make a sound, no one would hear me. The bar was too loud; it drowned out almost every noise outside of the music. Managing to bury the blade deep in his side I heard him let out an animalistic type of cry, the pain clearly getting to him as he stumbled back, pulling the blade out and throwing it across the floor as he pressed onto the wound.

Taking my chance I quickly grabbed the dagger and bolted from the alley, towards my car, the knife still firmly in my shaking hand. I needed to get away... get out of here.

But I had to get to the next shift...

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