19. Blood

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Lana’s father


It’s never looked so good before... and yet here it is, coating my hands, the scent filling my nose. There he is. Dead on the ground, a lifeless form. Will anyone really miss him? Will anyone remember his name tomorrow? Will he just be a distant memory? A figment of the imagination. A lost soul with no-where to stay... What will come of me? If I run... will they catch me? Will they hunt me down? Or just leave me to rot? Rot like this dead body. No one takes in a criminal.  That sound, footsteps... heavy footsteps on concrete. They’re coming for me... they’re almost here, looming on the horizon.


Leave the body and sprint.

They won’t catch m. They can’t catch me if they do I’m as good as dead. My lie means nothing to them, just like his life means nothing to me. They’ve picked up their pace now. They’re moving faster, they’re almost caught up... Almost got me... but I’ve slipped through their fingers.

I’m free!

They can’t get me. I’m almost there; I can see the light outside the clearing is almost here. The park... Make a bee line for the park; it’s the easiest place to get to after all. I can just blend in. They didn’t get a good look at my face, maybe I can just blend in. Almost.... yes.... free!

He was going to try and kill people. Why can’t anyone see that? Why do they look at him with so much pity? So much sadness? Then their eyes turn to me... so much hate. So much pain. Screaming does nothing, why won’t this pain end? It was all her fault. If she hadn’t told me that, I wouldn’t have killed him.... I wouldn’t have left headquarters and found that scum. He deserved to die, but no one seems to agree with me... they all think I’m in the wrong? Pfft, yeah right.... they can’t see what he was going to do; I stopped him from killing others, so... now I’m a murder?

When I was sure the police where gone I silently made my way to the nearest pub, a rundown old place that never had anyone nice in it, it was filled with dealers splashing the money they had earned on drinking away their sorrows. Sitting in the back I got a few rounds of shots as I rested back taking the shots one by one, I began to drown out Lana and the man in the gutter, not like either of them mattered to me anyway, she was just as important to me as that man had been.

Drinks continued to flow as I found myself with my arm thrown over a woman’s shoulders, my hand on her breast, groping it gently as I mumbled in her ear, something even I couldn’t understand so it was no surprise when she pulled away from me and stumbled off looking disgusted. With a roll of my eyes I walked out of the bar after paying and headed back towards home, praying they had gotten rid of her already, I didn’t want to have to face her again.

Turning a sharp corner I heard a chorus of loud barks right behind me, spinning I saw 10 Rottweiler’s chasing me, teeth bared as they took their chance and pounced, dragging me down with them. Each took a different part of my body as they began to attack, biting and scratching, letting out a strangled cry of pain as I tried to pull them off, struggled against them.

I’m a strong man.... but there were too many of them, too many to be able to push off, and in one fatal swoop, it was all over, one ripped out my throat and everything began to go black, hot, oozing liquid gushed from the cut as I lost consciousness.

3rd Person

The body lay still and motionless, the dogs ran after they had had their fill, made the body so deformed it was hardly recognisable, not that anyone would want to recognise it, no one would even notice him missing. And any that did would be happy, his reign of torture was over, and everyone was free again.

The gang would disperse and Lana would no longer owe them any money. The owner of the dogs didn’t even pay attention to its dog’s bloody mouths and the immense howling that had taken place, sending them into the water to swim and wash off as he sat back on a bench and watched them playing. 

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