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"Hoseok! Wait for me!" I turned around and saw Yoongi running up to me, his hand waving dramatically in the air. I smiled softly and laughed. "Hey Yoongs." He wrapped his arm around my shoulders, a grin plastered on his face. "How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me Yoongs?" I shurugged my shoulders playfully. We started walking towards the bus stop, the sound of cars driving by and the gentle rustle of the leaves on the trees around us.

It had just turned 5:00, the sun was setting so the sky appeared a mix of orange and pink. We'd only just left school as we both had extra-curricular activities, so naturally, everyone was either already at home or on their way, which explains why the school car park was so desolate.

Standing underneath the shelter, I checked the time and sighed. The bus was scheduled to come every 10 minutes, and one had just left. "How long till it comes?" Yoongi asked, peering over my shoulder curiously. "10 minutes." He groaned. We both sat down on the bench in silence, watching all the cars zoom by in a blur of different colours. I tapped my fingers on my lap and Yoongi whistled to himself. My face mind suddenly went blank and a blush formed on my cheeks.

I was alone with him.

'Do I tell him now?' I though, stealing a quick glance at the mint haired boy. 'Or do I wait till tomorrow?'

"Wait till tomorrow to tell me what?" I squealed, finding him face to face with me, staring into my eyes. "Well, I-I...uhh..." I cleared my throat. He stood up straight, waiting for an answer.

"The thing i-is Yoongi...I-I l-like y-"

A car skidded down the street, firing gun shots at random. People were screaming, running for places to hide but I just sat there, staring wide eyed at the speeding vehicle.

"Hoseok, what are you doing?!" Yoongi shook my shoulders, breaking me out of my trance. "Let's go!" I nodded, and he grabbed my hand as we started running. I thought we'd get away unscathed.

But, when is luck ever on my side?

One of the men leaned out the window, pointing a gun at us and smirking. "SAY BYE BITCHES!" He yelled laughing maniacally. His finger pressed down on the trigger and I closed my eyes, waiting for the impact. But the pain never came.

I slowly opened them again, sighing in relief, looking over at Yoongi as the car sped off.

"Hey Yoongi!" I smiled. "W-we made it...Y-Yoongi?" My smile quickly faded.

He stood there, looking down at the blood that was spreading rapidly on his shirt. I didn't get shot.

He did.

He collapsed to his knees, violently coughing up blood. Tears formed in the corners of my eyes and I rushed to his side, holding him in my arms. "Oh god..Yoongi please, stay with me! Don't die on me!"

He smiled weakly, placing his bloodied hand on top of mine. The wound was serious, blood spilling out fast. The hospital was 30 minutes away, neither of us had cars, and both our phones were at home, since they weren't allowed at school.

"I-I'll be f-fine, H-Hoseok." He reassured weakly. "O-Ok? Don't w-worry." I nodded, not able to contain the small sobs escaping out of my mouth. "But you have to promise not to die. Promise?"

He nodded. "Promise."

Someone nearby had already called an ambulance and told us it was on its way. His breathing became more shallow
and his grip on my hands became more weak. Soon, his eyes shut and he stopped breathing. My best friend, my first love, had just died in my arms.

Just as the ambulance had arrived.

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