Blossick Oneshot

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It was a hot summer day. I was melting. I just finished eating 5 cups of ice cream and I was still hot. I even used my ice breath but the heat melted it right away. I put my long auburn hair in a high ponytail. I couldn't stand buns. I opened my window and flew out heading towards the beach. I told my sisters before I left, but I didn't think they were listening.

When I got there I sat down next to the lake and took off my shoes. I put my feet in the water. It felt so good. I laid back landing on something soft. It was probably the sand. I closed my eyes and relaxed as I played with my hair.

After a while I opened my eyes, meeting the bright blue sky. I still felt my hands in my hair. I soon realized my arms were at my sides. And I realized I was sitting in someone's lap. My head shot up and I turned my head. I didn't quite see who it was because I got dizzy. I got up too fast.

"S-sorry! I didn't know I had laid on you!" I apologized.

"Relax red! It's me Brick!" Brick said and laughed. It was so sweet. I blushed and looked away.

"Hey, don't be shy." He whispered in my ear. His warm breath tickled me and I giggled. He gently put his finger under my chin and made me face him. I was getting redder and redder by the second. We were so close our noses touched.

"You look like a strawberry, red." He spoke and smiled.

He leaned closer to me and our lips pressed together. His lips fit mine perfectly. The kiss was gentle and filled with passion. (A/N: I don't really know how French kisses go, so work with me okay? I've never kissed anyone before -_-) I felt his tongue press against me, begging for an entrance. I didn't want this moment to end so I let him in. He explored my mouth, every inch of it. I started to run out of air and I know he was too so we broke apart gasping.

"I love you..." He said and kissed my forehead.

"I love you too." I said and kissed his cheek.

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