Beach Parteh: Peeping Toms

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"Come on Bubbs? Scared?" Buttercup teased. 

"No I'm not! I just don't feel comfortable wearing this!" Bubbles pouted. 

"Come on! Can we just go?" Blossom complained tapping her foot.

The Powerpuff girls were going to the beach today with the RowdyRuffs and friends. Blossom had on a pink bikini but it didn't show any cracks. Buttercup had on a full green bodysuit, and poor Bubbles got the smallest blue bikini that barely covered anything.

"I regret this! Can we just please buy a different bikini? Everyone is coming!" Bubbles pouted again, struggling to keep her place at the door. 

"No way! I've been waiting for this for a long time!" Buttercup said pushing Bubbles with all her might. Blossom walked up to them with a bored expression on her. She was clearly annoyed. 

"Hey Bubbles, is that a crab about to be stepped on by someone?" Blossom asked closing her eyes and folding her arms. 

"What!? WHERE?!" Bubbles asked looking around and burst through the door. Buttercup and Blossom chuckled and high-fived following their blonde sister out. 

Blossom and Buttercup set up the chairs, umbrellas, beach balls, and nets following Blossoms list while poor Bubbles searched the beach looking for a damsel in distressed crab.

"Blossom...I...can't find...the crab..." Bubbles panted.

"Oops, guess I was wrong. But hey look! Your out! And here are our friends!" Blossom beamed, proud of herself.

"Wha...but...AHHHH! COVER ME!!!!!" Bubbles yelled hiding behind her sister. Everyone came running in with huge smiles on their faces. Brick, Boomer, Butch, Blitz, Blaine, Blake, Bash, Breaker, Dexter, Deedee, Mandy, Billy, Kim, Ron, Mandark, Olga, Beserk, Brat, Brute, X-J9 (Jenny), Robin, Mitch, Bunny, Bell, Mac, Bloo, Frankie, and Ms.Fosters. Oh, and the TeenTitans. Everyone. 

"Hey guys!" Robin and Kim yelled waving their arms. 

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO!" Bubbles screamed shaking her head.

"No?" Boomer, Bash, Ron, and Bloo asked heartbroken in sync.

"No, yes!" Blossom corrected.

"Wait, so no or yes?" Frankie asked confused.

"Yes!" Buttercup quickly said.

"WHOO HOO! BEACH PARTEH! COME ON MAC!" The blue blob called Bloo yelled grabbing Mac's hand. Frankie, Madam Foster, Ron, Mandark, Bunny, Bell, Blaine, Robin, Mitch, The Powerpunk girls, The TeenTitans, X-J9, Blitz, and Billy ran after them and started surfing.

"Hey Bubbles, I like your bikini. I didn't know you liked to show so much skin." Kim complimented. Which was a bad idea.

All eyes were on Bubbles, looking her up and down. (Mostly Boomer and Bash who were drooling) Bubbles began to tear up and ran back to the beach house crying leaving everyone dumbfounded.

"Uh...sorry...?" Kim apologized not knowing what for.

"She doesn't like to show much skin...actually I think I'll change right back!" Blossom yelled and ran after her. "Bubbles wait!" She called.

"I'm coming too!" Kim yelled following her.

"Cry baby..." Mandy muttered loud enough for everyone to hear. "Olga, Deedee. Will you help me write a poem?" 

"Of course." Olga sighed bored.

"Sure!" Deedee answered with much more enthusiasm. They sat down under the umbrellas.

", Bubbles, and Kim are going in the beach house to make her feel better and change?" Brick asked.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Buttercup replied with great sarcasm. "Think I will too...this things too tight..." Buttercup walked away into the beach house.

Brick, Boomer, Butch, Blake, Bash, Breaker, and Dexter huddled up into a big circle. When they separated they had huge grins on their faces.

The boys crept up to the beach house quietly without being noticed. 

"Guys should we be doing this?" Boomer whined. 

"No we shouldn't. But we want to." Butch replied.

"I'm...I'm scared of Buttercup! And Bubbles and Blossom might get mad so I'm leaving!" Boomer whined again and left who was followed by Bash.

"Hmph." Was all they said. Blake peaked through the window and the other boys copied. Then...


"Owwww!" Buttercup kicked the boys in their faces sending them flying. Buttercup walked up to them and gave them a death glare folding her arms.

"Who's idea was this?" She asked.

Everyone pointed to Brick and left in a hurry. DX.

Buttercup cracked her knuckles. Brick was cowering in fear.

"Come on guys...seriously? Look Buttercup uh..." He tried to say.

Wham! Thunk! Buttercup kicked Brick and he landed on his face. She planted her foot on his head resting it. Blossom and Boomer quickly ran up wide eyed. Blossom gave him a disapproving look and a Boomer just stared his eyes still stretched out.

"Perv..." Buttercup muttered.

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