Stargazing (Bellaine)

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Hope you enjoy! 😊

"Are you f*cking kidding me?"

She loved the idea of it.

"Noooo way."

It wasn't her decision though.

"They're right, you are corrupting me."

Bell joked, walking alongside her counterpart.

He gave her the side eye, only grunting in response. He gaze returned forward, maneuvering them throughout the trees.

"I couldn't even if I tried. You're too pure."

She held back from exploding in girlish, nervous giggles, and let the blush run along her cheeks. She squeezed his hand as she rememberer one of his gifts to her. A white  peony flower that he had found in this very forest, which he said reminded him of her. It had stood alone with its brothers and sisters, all different colors. Some of the others were dying, many of them, it had still managed to be growing beautifully and healthily, despite the other flowers circumstances. No, it wasn't the strongest flower there, it was actually one of the weakest, the most delicate, and rare for its area, but it was still alive. She remembered precisely what his explanation was for the remembrance in detail.

"You'd suspect this flower to be one of the first to wither, but it's actually one of the last. And its even more surprising because of the area that it's in. They don't even normally grow there, yet there it was, the strongest and healthiest one. And it grew beautifully. The only one in this color that was there too. I didn't want it to die, and not without it being remembered for its weird survival. When I saw it I thought of you. Honestly I thought you'd be the weakest Puff, and break down easily, but I was completely wrong. I'm ashamed I ever thought that. But it can't compare to your beauty. You can keep it in your room so you have something to remind you of me even when I'm not there, since your family never wants me over..." He grumbled a little. "Here it is. I think you'd take better care of it than me anyway."

Ugh, he always made her gush all the time

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Ugh, he always made her gush all the time. She never knew he could be so...fluff material. She loved it anyway.

"I feel like such a bad girl actually. I never, ever went against anything my sisters or the Professor. You know I snuck out to do this, right?"

He looked at her in surprise, a bit stunned. A proud smirk replaced it, as he looked forward again, trying to wipe it off.

"For me? How dumb." He brung her in for a kiss, wrapping his other arm around her waist, and pulling her to his chest gently. His lips landed on hers, soft and smooth, and she kissed back passionately.

Once they needed air, he backed up, his hands on hers, and pulled her forward softly, out of the trees.

"This is the place."

Bell stepped out, her eyes widening, and jaw gently dropping in awe at the sight.

The sky was pitch black, but it sparkled and dazzled like diamonds from the stars. There dozens, more than she'd ever seen, and so clearly floating up above her. She felt like she could faint from the beauty. She was getting dizzy lifting her head all the way up just to see all of them, spinning to see every infinite inch and corner. She smiled.

To Blaine, that was the most beautiful thing there.

"I love the stars!" She exclaimed, beaming up at the sky and twirling. She never looked away.

Blaine huffed. "I hate everything in the sky then."

"Why?" She asked, confused and upset. She frowned at him, desperately wanting to look back at the stars as if they'd disappear if she didn't give them enough attention. However this was more important to her.

"Isn't it obvious? If you love those stars more than me, of course I'll hate everything in the sky!" He pouted, shooting a glare at the sky, wondering if this was a good idea.

"What?" She giggled, shaking her head and floating over to him. She placed her hands on his shoulders, hovering above him. He joined her, and placed his hands on her waist, pulling her closer a bit possessively, as if the stars would come alive and steal her away.

"Blaine, nothing's better than you. The most beautiful star to me is you. Your eyes..." She looked deeply into his orbs, admiring them with such love and affection. Her eyes were half lidded, and she leaned closer to him.

"They're the most prettiest, silver, sparkles I've ever seen. Nothing could ever catch that amount of handsomeness..."

He was blushing, absolutely red and hot. His brow started to twitch, not being able to take this much flustering.

He closed his eyes tight, and leaned forward as well, meeting her lips.

"Mine..." He whispered softly.

"Yours." She echoed.


Cherry's A/N:


Gimme a break man highschool's crap :P

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