Fortune Cookie | Blossick |

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For SafireEsperas ! Enjoyy :)

O my goshh

im actually updating


In this AU, they're in high school, and the Punks and Rights are in this too. They all know each other. Her sisters are friends with The Ruffs and Rights, and have an okay relationship with The Punks.

She continued to chew on her chapped lips, ignoring the burn that started to rise when she tore off the dead skin. She hissed when it came off, her tongue wiping over the fresh warm blood. A nervous habit she had gained, first brewed when she met him.

Her eyes burned holes through the screen in front of her, staring back at her with no assurance or sign of anything really. What was she to expect of it anyway? What was she to expect of him? Did she even have the right to do this?

Was it too weird to ask this after only a few conversations? Did she reach to his expectations? Was she good enough? Was he good for her? Would they accept it?

Her toes curled with anxiety, her mind bumbling with questions. She reread what she had sent, hoping it wouldn't sound even weirder to her. It was the tenth time she did, and each time it sounded more awkward and wrong to her.

4:37 p.m

Hey, you wanna meet up later today? At 7?

It was 5:58.

No reply.


Maybe not ever.

Maybe I should have just said hey first to see what he was doing, short. I think I was too direct. I don't think he's the guy to leave read receipts.

She sighed, placing her phone down on the table. She was silly to think he'd have any interest in her. Had he ever shown any at all?

She groaned, rolling her eyes at her own self and laying on her bed in a snow angel position, staring at her ceiling.

"Should've just sticked to books, work, and colleges." She mumbled to herself.

She could picture him right now, scoffing at the text message, and showing it to his friends and laughing.

Only, he wasn't that type of guy. He kept these things to himself, his only response to such things ignorance. But that itself sounded horrible.


She jumped up from her bed and grabbed her phone, her thumb pressing the bottom button instantly to look at the screen.

All hope in her heart was crushed.

@random_user liked your post

Her heart sunk, heaving her most heavy sigh yet. She opened up her messages again, and this time, she found something different.

The message was read, and no text bubble appeared. He had ignored it.

"So he is the type to leave people on read..." She muttered, laying her head on her bed.

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