| PPGxRRB Oneshot | It Started With a Deal

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This Oneshot was for....

My awesome Wattpad Sis xXAwkwardBeanieXx !!!


Rain beat against the round glass windows, sending waves of light taps and thumps. A soft rhythm came from it, adding to the dreary mood. Just the sight of the outside world bored anyone's eyes.

It was a rainy day for Townsville, which sent everyone's mood down the drain.

No one was out at the moment, the thunder and lightning outside explaining the reason. All jobs had been called off from the dangerous weather. Even the monsters didn't come today.

But out of all the dreary weather, one little bundle of joy was spreading happiness through one small little house.

The Utonium Residence.

Bubbles came up with random topics at the couch, blabbering on about anything she could think of while playing with Blossom's hair. She was mostly talking to herself.

The blonde seemed to be the only happy one at the moment, trying to lift the mood of the house.

"Bubbles, just shut up. There's nothing to talk about. I just wanna sleep..." The ravenette groaned, laying her head back on the couch.

Bubbles stopped her braid that she was making in the red-head's hair, and turned to glare at her rude sister.

"Well sorry for trying to make this day fun." She snapped, though with her soft voice it actually sounded more of an apology.

"Apology accepted."

Bubbles clucked her tongue, looking as if she was about to fire something back, but instead sighed, going back to the midway braid. She muttered a short retort at Buttercup.

Blossom sighed, reaching for the remote for something to watch. It seemed that nothing was on. It really was a boring day for Townsville.

"Bubbles is right. We should be trying to make this day special." She said, her eyes traveling across the room for something to do.

Suddenly, a knock came from the door.

It made everyone jump, looking towards the sound with wide eyes.

"Who would come knock at our door at this time?" Bubbles asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Let's find out." Buttercup answered in a dark way, flying over to the door.

Blossom opened her mouth to object, saying they should approach the matter more safer by peaking through the windows, but rested, rethinking the situation and coming to the conclusion that it could just be a neighbor asking for a favor. There was bound to be some people with problems of the rain.

Buttercup reached the door, flinging it open in an instant.

What she saw before her made a small gasp escape from her lips.

Three boys, sulking wet, their plain shirts drenched and hair damp and dark, huddling close to each other with anger on their faces, were in front of the door.

The RowdyRuff Boys.

"They're ambushing us!" Buttercup shouted, already getting ready to fling a punch at them.

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