Blossick | Worth it

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In this oneshot, the Ruffs and Puffs have their powers except for Blossom due to a mission with Him and Mojo, to which Mojo shot a gun at her that was meant for Bubbles, but she took it for her, and in result she lost her powers ;-;



Brick settled himself on the bed, kicking off his sneakers and using his opposing foot to slide off his socks. He covered himself in his covers, thankful for the warmth that it provided for him, being that he slept in his underwear.

Before he gave into the heavy sleep that he wanted so much, he reached out his hand to the red and gold clock on his dresser, slamming his hand down until he found the object. Too lazy to open his damn eyes I guess.

Once he felt the cool metal of it, he felt around for the little switch in the back, dividing itself from the other parts of the clock by being silver. He found it, and switched it.

Once he did, an electronical wave flung out of the clock, almost at light speed. It reached throughout all of Townsville, stopping exactly at the border of Townsville.

Shortly after this action, Brick grabbed an earplug that had been connected to the clock, only a single one, and placed it in his ear.

(A/N: Long story short, the waves from the clock get all the sounds of Townsville, and if it receives a scream from someone in trouble, the clock sends a loud ring to the earplug that is in Brick's ear, making him wake up and save whoever is in distress. Gosh, this such crappy writing, I'm being lazy today XD)

Once this process was done, Brick closed his eyes, giving in to the weight that held them down. He welcomed the darkness, entering his dream world once again.

It seemed like only a second had passed before the alarm sounded, his eyes snapping open. He shot out of his bed, looking around frantically. Once he realized the scream wasn't from his house, he groaned and got out of bed, minimizing the situation that the woman could have possibly been in. He put on his traditional outfit, a red shirt and a black line in the middle, and slipped on his black pants with his black converse.

Ignoring the the person's screams, he trudged over to the window, searching for any dark green or blue lines flying out to help the civilian, but it seemed no one was coming.

It was just up to him now. (lazy ass)

Sighing, Brick flew out, his opened window.

He was greeted by the fresh cool air of the night, making him go faster as it woke him up. His former closed eyes were now wide and open, awake and alert for the call he had received. He spotted a crowd of people below him, all pointing up at the sky, but not at him. They looked terrified, a look of horror on their face as they saw what Brick's super powered eyes couldn't. (Wow Brick, a normal human being can see better than u -_-. And i gave u the power of supersight :I)

"Oh shut up Nikki! At least i don't have glasses!" He shouted, frailing his arms like a madman.

:OOOO "!? how could u say my nickname! And no readers, Nicole is not my name, its my middle name but ppl call me that. and at least i can SEE with my glasses!" She snapped, glaring at him furiously as she also pouted oddly.

"HUMPH. and ya i said ur nickname, lucky i didnt say ur real name. Its a freakin boys name!" He smirked, proud of his response.

Nikki rolled her eyes, then slapped him. :OOO

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