Blitzunny Oneshot

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This was a request from Glare0322 . I hope u like it!!!! Blitzunny for life!!!

*Warning* This Oneshot has some inappropiate scenes O.O. I'm not stopping u if ur too young...again, I'm 11 and the stuff I read are *too mature* for me.

Bunny's POV

"Good job, as always Bunny." Mrs.Beniton told me, giving me a little smile. She placed my test down on my desk to reveal an A+. My chest swelled in pride. Everyone groaned in response, giving me dirty looks. I could care less. At least I'm one of the students who will be passing this year.

All the names of the kids who had gotten left back ran through my mind. Jane Arkwell, Samantha Sortla, Jake Bonta...

It just reminded me of how bad our school was. I moved here with my sisters, Blossom, Bubbles, Buttercup, and Bell. We would have gotten into Heffton Highschool, but where we lived was just...way too far away. We'd be late everyday. Unfortunately, the Professor could only find a terrible, broken down house that had a rotten smell right next to a swamp. Yeah, we weren't going there. Besides, our house is pretty cool.

Me and my sisters had settled for here, which we were fine with, but we had still wanted to go to that awesome high school...Blossom was especially upset about it since her 'celebrity' crush Dexter goes there currently. But she got over it.

The school I go to now, RockRidge Highschool, is just...terrible. Students curse at the teachers, skip school, have fights and gangs, and...bang...each other...

But as long as I kept my grades up and avoided all the fights and drama, I'd be fine. I was just worried about Buttercup...of course I was worried about all my sisters but...she was so...reckless. She could no higher that B+'s, but one lucky time she got an A. We were all so happy. But then she went down to B's and C's again...But she really was trying. I was also worried about Bubbles the most because she was just so...gorgeous. Boys always tried to sweet talk her, but Buttercup always beat them up or chased them away.

That happened to all my Of course I was boy has even looked at me...I guess it's no surprise...I mean, come on...I'm so unkept mangy brunette hair that only reached my shoulder blades, my purple freaky eyes, my messed up body figure...who would love me anyway...?

The bell rang, getting me out of my trance.

I packed up my stuff, swung my backpack on my back, and walked out the class in a hurry.

We had 10 minute breaks between classes, so everyone would just hangout in the hallways. Which meant trouble. Everyone in our school in one place at once wasn't a good thing. Especially with the gangs.

Soon after roaming the hallways a bit with nothing to do, I spotted Bubbles. She was walking alone with no one with a cute pretty smile on her face. Jealously overcame me, but I walked up to her. I noticed that she was wearing a blue crop top, white mini skirt, and white flats. Has she ever wondered why boys hit on her...?

As I got closer, she saw me coming, and her smile widened. Mine did as well, but then I noticed a brunette boy walking up to her with a smirk on his face, looking her up and down with his violet eyes. I immediately recognized him as Blitz. I looked a little past him, my heart speeding up when I saw his brothers leaning against the lockers watching him.

"Shit..." I cursed silently under my breath. They were the RowdyRuff Boys. The most dangerous gang in the school. They actually killed a guy onetime in a gang fight...Blitz being the killer...he was crazy. Mad. Dangerous. A stupid, crazy killer! And he was gonna flirt with Bubbles! What if he does something like rape her!?

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