Two Broken Hearts (Blakserk)

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Ship name is hella dumb if anyone has a better one comment it down and we'll start using that 😖😖😩
Warnings ⚠️
Blocked out cursing
Depressing and insecure thoughts

It was too late. The tears had fallen. She couldn't even be mad about it anymore. She was just depressed.

Yes, an extreme word and she meant it. She really felt like a knife had been stabbed through her heart. It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair it wasn't fair


Why and how did Ms. Bubblegum b*tch get EVERYTHING she wanted ALL THE damn TIME!?

God she changed! She changed so much for him and for the better! She stopped the drugs, stopped selling them, stopped bullying people, and she didn't even do crimes anymore! She was making an honest living out of something! The girl had gotten a f*cking job at Burger King to make some money!

She sobbed, wailed, screamed, and threw around anything she could find in her room, but none of it was enough.

She had been with Brick all her life! She was the perfect girl for him! The badas* couple! But no. He falls for the girl that treated him like sh*t when they were younger all up until college because she thought puberty did a number on him. The f*cking slut. She was dating Dexter too, and Brick swoops her away and steals her from him. Not that it took much work.

She was the one who saw the good in him when everyone else saw nothing but a beat up good for nothing nobody! She was there when he got high for the first time and almost killed himself! No one cared about his well being! They just wanted a show because they knew he was already crazy!

She was the best person for him!!

So why?

Why did he choose her? That prissy snob that stuck her nose up at everyone?

She suddenly stopped crying. Her heart had stopped pouring out onto the bed sheets, and it was quiet now. It's pulse was a steady beat, but it had a new type of rhythm.

She slid a box out from underneath her bed, and opened it, taking out the pills she stashed. She grabbed a container of painkillers, silently wishing it worked for mental pain. She pushed the box back under the bed, and opened her window to crawl out.


She was half way out when she heard her sister's voice.

"It's Brat. U-um, look...that guy's a total jacka**. You shouldn't cry over that punk. He didn't know he had something good right in front of him. Come on, have some drinks with us. The pain'll go away. Talk to us...!"

That never helped. It never helped from the start. The only thing those drugs would ever be good for now was this.

She blinked back some tears, glaring to herself in anger that she was still crying about it, and rubbed her eyes until she felt the liquid go back inside her skull. She closed the window silently, and ignored the rest of her sisters words.

She ran out all the way to Townsville's park. Luckily it was empty, so she could cry her heart out there. She sat down by a pond, looking at her reflection. She couldn't even find her pride when looking at herself. She hardly recognized the girl in the pond. Who was this prissy b*tch with the dolled up candy makeup and outfit? She didn't even look like herself, she looked like...

She slammed her fists down on the pond, ruining the image of her in it temporarily. She took out the cutesy clips and pins in her hair and scuffled up her roots to make it puffed and frizzy again, and ripped out the headband.

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