The Stranger

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As the days became weeks Riley and Lucas were getting closer and closer to each other but barely made any time for the gang. 

-Afterschool at the mall with Zay,Smackle,Farkle and Maya-

Zay:I feel bad for not inviting Riley and Lucas

Smackle: Well if it makes you feel any better the probability of them joining us these days are about 30%  

Maya:don't worry Zay, look Riley and Lucas want to spend time together we should be happy for them right?

Zay:Yeah i guess well I'm just glad we're still together

Farkle: Nothing will ever come between us *Just then Zay sees a cute girl passing by and decides to leave momentarily to go say hi. *

Maya: hmm well i saw that coming a mile away

Farkle: well everyone wants love in their life maya dont you?*he suddenly remembered the whole love triangle and a guilty expression appeared on his face*

Maya noticing Farkles change in expression says "just forget it farkle why dont you and Smackle spend some time together and I'll just go browse around" she leaves before they have a chance to object. 

Farkle:sighs* should we go after her?Smackle:she's right we should spend time together you know make the most of our time together 

Farkle:why we have all of highschool 

Smackle:cmon please


Rather than shop for clothes Maya went to the one place in the mall where she could truly have some fun. 

NEW HIGHSCORE!!! It seemed like every game machine made that sound after maya was done with it. She was about to leave when at the corner of her eye she spotted a lasertag game. Using what was left of her time before she had to meet up her friends she waited in line for what seemed forever. The instructer stated that this was to be a team match which put maya in a nervous state since she didn't exactly know anybody. It wasn't long tho until she heard some say "well i guess its you and me if thats ok" she breathed a sigh of relif and looked up and saw a pair of green bluish eyes. "Sure are you any good" she said with a smile slowly spreading across her face. "Ha thats my line" Before they knew it they were hearing the countdown 3...2...1..and the color on their vests and guns turned on. It was the most fun Maya had had in a long time.


 ???: so can you tell me your name

Maya: hmm okay but only because you pretty good in there ...its maya whats yours

???: mine's Ben ..Ben Florian im actually new around here and you weren't so bad yourself

Maya:you don't say...huh how weird

Ben: whys that

Maya:no reason

Ben: you weren't so bad yourself 

Maya: hmm well i gotta go so..

Ben: wait...can we hang  out sometime 

Maya:sure I'd like that *she looks down at her phone and sees shes late to meet up with her friends*

Maya: sorry i have to go *runs off*

Ben:it was nice to meet you *he says with his voice trailing off as he sees the blonde beauty getting smaller and smaller* 

When maya finally catches up with her friends they question her on wheres shes been. All maya can do is smile. Farkle and Zay exchange confused glances but rubb it off as they are glad to see their friend once again genuinely happy.

-The Next Day at School-

Zay: so maya tell us what really happened yesterday 

Maya: i dont know what you're talking about

Farkle:c'mon zay if she wants to tell us she will 

Zay:okay okay

Smackle walks up to them: ahh im happy I your altogether I have some big new. I'd like to share....

Farkle:what is it smackle?

Smackle: I'm relocating

Farkle: relocating? To where?

Maya:aww great well there goes my good mood

Smackle: apologies...while I'll still be in New York I'll just be on the opposite end 

*Everyone hugs her*

Zay Farkle Maya: we're going to miss you 

Smackle: me too 

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