Parents Day

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"It still feels weird being back here"Maya says looking around waiting for something to catch her eye.

"don't worry you'll get used to it in no time."Lucas stated.

"I hope your right about that."Farkle said as he leaned back into his chair and pulled out his phone.

Riley sees where this is going and tries to change the subject with the first thing that pops into her mind."So Smackle, I'm really looking forward to Parents Day tomorrow.I've never met your parents before I'm really excited to meet them."She sees Smackle put her head down and looks around to see everyone else has as well."what's the matter?"

"Smackle and I have concert tickets so we've excused from school tomorrow."Maya stated.

"What band?"Lucas said with a confused expression on his face.

Maya quickly says the first one she could think of."5SOS"however Smackle also rushed to answer Rileys question which resulted in her saying "one direction " at the same time as Maya gives her answer.

Lucas:sooooo which is it?..

Maya and Smackle:I um...5-1- 

Zay cuts them off and explains that they are going to a concert where both are performing. Riley looks back and forth between Maya and Smackle while she says"aww well maybe next time"

Smackle:yeeeeahhhh maybe

Maya looks at the time and gets up going straight to the counter. When she gets there she waits for the waitress to finish taking the order of another customer.Lucas startles her when from very close behind her to the point where she should feel his breath on her neck for a second before and after he says"why the rush to leave?"Maya turns her whole body but her hands are still on the counter."I've gotta go or else I'm going to be late for work." she says now biting her bottom lip."I didnt know you work."he said as he crossed his arms and a half a smile grew on his face.Maya stopped biting her lip and copied his stance"there's alot of things you don't know about me." As lucas replied with a simple "huh" Maya turned as soon as she saw the waitress walk torward the register. 

Waitress:how can I help you?

Maya:hi um I'm part of that table over there can you please ring up the bill I'd like to pay half of it.

Waitress:why or card?


Lucas cut her off and answered cash in her place.Maya excused them from the waitress for moment and she pulled him aside."What are you doing?"she said crossing her arms as her face expressed a frown."Nothing just thought it'd be the gentlemanly thing to do." he said as his eyes slowly begin to wander about."what's up."Maya says with a smile barely appearing but she tries to hide it."Nothing"his voice a little more sturn than last time.Maya begins to walk away but he grabs her arm and pulls her close so that their noses are a millimeter apart."Is it true you know where you work and stuff?"Lucas couldnt help but studder and avoid her eyes."what are you talking about?"she said but then it hits her."Josh told you ?"Lucas hesitated."You want to come with me to work huckleberry?" she said immediately regretting calling him that.However when she did he couldn't help but meet her gaze and smile."Well sorry(sarcastically) but I've already asked Smackle for a ride  ...maybe next time."she releases herself from his grasp and heads to the counter no more than a few seconds later do maya and smackle walk out together while Lucas just watches her exit and chuckles to himself.




Riley:where could they be?

Cory walks toward Riley,Lucas and Josh 

Cory:sorry but it seems none of them came to school today

Josh:thats odd

Lucas:why wouldn't they be here?

Riley:this doesn't make any sense...where could they be?

Josh:Cory do you mind if I go see whats up?

Lucas and Riley:us too?

Cory:the boys may go but riley you have to stay here

With that the boys load into Joshs car.

Josh:any idea where they might be?


They go everywhere they could think of.Topangas,Mall,and even Maya,Zay,and Farkles house. They had almost given up hope when they knocked on Smackles door and saw Zay open it.Both Josh and Lucas exchanges looks of confusion.

Zay:what are you doing here?!?!

Josh:we um-

Farkle:hey zay whos at the door?

Farkle appears with only his head showing until he sees the boys then he sighs and looks at zay.

Farkle:you think its okay?

Zay:if this backfires I'm blaming it on you.

With that zay slowly opens the door and Farkle allows Lucas and Josh to step inside.Zay and Farkle lead them to a door and from where all the boys can hear crying.Josh notices the boys hesitate and looks to see Lucas has too.Inside the room Maya and Smackle are both crying.Zay and Farkle walk away to both sides of the room allowing Josh and Lucas to slowly approach the girls alongside the bed. Lucas sits between them while Josh sits on the other side of Maya.

Lucas:whats wrong?

Maya looks up seeming to barely notice the boys were there.

Maya:I-I- did something wrong...

Smackles head comes up and she looks at maya as if pleading for her not to say anything.

Maya:I -I killed someone.

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