Starting Over

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Lucas stands and walks over to to where Maya and Farkle are sitting. He places his arms on her shoulder.Maya lifts her head from Farkles chest and looks at both Josh and Lucas. 

"SMACKLE I'M HOME " they hear her dad say.

Zay moves his hands into his pockets and says"looks like its time to go home,its a good thing its Friday im so not in the mood to go to school tomorrow."They all stand and hug Smackle goodbye.

Once they were outside zay and farkle drove home while josh and lucas offered to drive maya home. Farkle thought maya needed that so he gave zay a look of "its okay".

Josh was in the drivers seat while lucas was in the passengers and maya in the back. Josh looks at maya through the mirrior and sees her moping. 

Josh:im sorry i wasn't there for you maya  

Maya looks up and smiles "theres a reason I have a dungeon of saddness."

Josh gets even sadder."Am I still in there too."

Lucas looks over at Maya awaiting her answer. Maya takes a minute and puts her hand on Joshs shoulder and says "nah start over?"Lucas turns back to face forward so neither of them can see his jealous expression but quickly turns back when maya puts her hand on his shoulder too.The trio smiles and both boys had the same thing on there minds."I will not lose."

"Well we're here"Josh says.Maya thanks Josh and is ready to leave the car but she comes back in.

Maya:im really glad you're both back in my life.

Lucas smiles"that's the second nicest thing you've ever said to me.Does this mean I can come see you at work?"

Joshs smile fades.

Maya looks at Josh and responds to Lucas with:what exactly do you know about my work?

Lucas:well only thing I know is you work thats it.I just don't think its fair ya know.

Maya:huh ya but josh only saw me because-

Lucas:im going to keep buging you about it so you might as well let me

Maya bites her lip and looks up moving her head side to side."Fine but just this once deal?""Deal"he said with a big grin on his face.Maya steps out of the car and Josh honks at her"Hey I'm coming tomorrow too.""Why?"Maya said as she got to her fromt door."Same reason as last time I gave you a ride so now you owe me food."The both of them smile and as they leave you can clearly see lucas get annoyed.

Josh sees  Lucas' face and cant help but feel victorious.

Lucas:why cant you let me have one day with her

Josh:not at her work i wont


Josh:you'll see tomorrow

 Lucas sighs:hey im not giving up on her but if she does pick you then this time dont mistreat her

Josh:i wont and if she picks you dont make the wrong decision and put her second again

Lucas:Im not giving up you know

In unison:"IM in it for the long game"



Mayas sitting on the couch waiting for a text from either of the guys saying there here but nothing.She looks at the time and sees its 9:14 a.m. she goes in at 9:45. If they were anymore late maya would have to ask shawn for a ride. She looks outside the window and is surprised to see the boys already there with shawn.As she runs over to grab her purse she overhears shawn say "so watch it boys. "  When she closes the front door everyone looks at her and she goes to give shawn a hug.

Maya:Goodbye dad Im off to work

Shawn:You didnt tell me Josh and Lucas were taking you

Maya:....soooorrryyy I'll bring you back desserts 

Shawn:fine oooh and i like-

Maya:i know dad bye 

Maya gets in the back seat and tells Josh to hurry because they were already late.

When they get there maya rushes again to the back.As the boys make their way to the entrance they are surprised to see the cafe is packed with people.

Lucas:why are there so many guys here?

Josh:you'll see...oh and try not to have dirty thoughts

"why would I-"lucas cuts himself when he realizes what josh meant when he sees the woman at the register."Hello party of 2?Lucas examines her and is speechless."oh my your that cute guy from last time arent you?" she says looking at Josh."thank you"

Woman:are you here with maya again?

Boys nod.

Woman:well I'll lead you to your table follow me know maya seems to be our most wanted server.

The boys take their seat and look through the menu the woman had given them.Josh glanced over at Lucas and saw he was in shock.

Josh:could you grow up

Lucas:what im not doing anything...these sure are expensive 

Josh:well im not the one whose paying

Lucas:yeah and guess where that moneys coming from ....her paycheck.

Maya:BOYS behave please

Both look up to see Maya wearing the same uniform josh had previously seen her in and neither one of the boys could look at her in the eyes.

Lucas:*coughs what are you wearing

Maya:oh for the love of- this is my uniform you know for work

Boy:hey beautiful wanna come take our orders

Both lucas and josh clench their fist

Maya:sure I'll be right there I'll come when your ready to order.

Josh whispers to Lucas*pervert

Lucas was about to say something when he noticed some guy trying to look under mayas uniform at another table so he stands up and walks toward maya.Blocking the view of the boy he hugs maya from the back.He couldn't help but turn a dark shade of red. You could hear boys complaining from all over the cafe. 

Lucas whispered what had happened into mayas ear which made her mad.When lucas returned to his table he explained the whole thing to josh and he slammed it on the table.They waited for mayas reaction and to their surprise all she did was turn to the boy and say "please behave boys."This infuriated Lucas and josh.Maya came back to them 10 minutes later with food.

Lucas:we haven't even ordered yet.

Maya:well since you helped me i guess i owe you too so eat up

Lucas took a bite"this is the best thing I've ever had"

Josh:so where are the cards?

Lucas:what cards?

Josh explains it to Lucas while maya goes to get them.

Lucas:you mean *gulp she made this?

Josh just now realizes it and they both turn a shade of red.

Maya:woah have you two been in the sun too long?

Josh and lucas:I-we-he-

Maya:well anyway my debt is paid so see you guys Monday.*she turns and bumps into a handsome stranger*oh sorry

Boy:no its my fault i shouldve watched where I was going.

well i better get back to work she said as her face turned a light shade of red.josh and lucas mad dog the stranger as he sits in the cafe and breathe a giant sigh of relif when they see he was meeting a girl there.Judging by their kiss he wasnt single.This brought giant smiles to both there faces.


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