Final Reveal

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**A/N I couldn't decide who to end up with her. Im a HUGE fan of both ships, so what Im doing is the first half of this is a Lucaya outcome and the second will be the almost the same just with a Joshaya ending. **


Maya:the one that I see as more than just a friend is...*she hesitates


Maya:what is it?

Lucas:are you absolutely sure

Maya smiles from ear to ear.:yeah Im sure I had some help though

She reaches into her backpack and pulls out her sketchbook.

Josh:how did it help?

Maya:last night I had this weird feeling in my chest about you guys and this whole thing. I began to draw but I wasnt really paying attention to it and before I knew it I had fallen asleep. Today after class I realized I had drawn something that helped me figure out who Im in love with.

She opened the sketch book and flipped through the pages,stopped on one and flipped it so the boys could both see it. Once they had seen it they looked at each other realizing who she chose. They both stood up and shook each others hands. "Congratulations...,I wish you both the best." Josh said shoving both hands in his pockets and walking out of Topangas. Lucas went over to Maya and went to her. 

Lucas:you love me? 

Maya:I you still love me?

Lucas leaned in close and kissed her.

They walked out of Topangas smiling from ear to ear holding hands leaving Mayas sketch of where it all started at the campfire scene on the table with the words "where it all started"at the bottom.  



- Maya:the one that I see as more than just a friend is...*she hesitates


Maya:what is it?

Lucas:are you absolutely sure

Maya smiles from ear to ear.:yeah Im sure I had some help though

She reaches into her backpack and pulls out her sketchbook.

Josh:how did it help?

Maya:last night I had this weird feeling in my chest about you guys and this whole thing. I began to draw but I wasnt really paying attention to it and before I knew it I had fallen asleep. Today after class I realized I had drawn something that helped me figure out who Im in love with.

She opened the sketch book and flipped through the pages,stopped on one and flipped it so the boys could both see it. Once they had seen it they looked at each other realizing who she chose. They both stood up and shook each others hands. "Congratulations...,I wish you both the best." Lucas said shoving both hands in his pockets and walking out of Topangas. Josh walked over to Maya and held her hands gently. 

Josh: looks like today is finally our someday

Maya: looks like that to me 

Josh leaned in and kissed her. She grabbed her bag took his hand and walked out. They were so happy they didn't notice she had left her sketchbook their open to a page with a drawing of them at the ski lodge holding hands with the words "someday just became today." at the bottom.

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