Lucas' Date

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I went to sleep that night rerunning today's events through my head. I was almost certain Josh was about to kiss me but why? Is what Riley said true?Do they really like me?At this point I wasn't even sure of my own feelings.My thoughts were interrupted when I received a text from Lucas saying "I can't wait until tomorrow good night."I laughed at myself.It was possible I was getting worked up over nothing so I went to sleep peacefully.



Lucas had arranged for us to meet at the subway.When I took a look around I saw Lucas sitting in the same spot where we met.As I walk up I reenact the first time we met only this time he cut me off towards the end."I was a real idiot back then wasn't I?"I frowned for a minute,I wasnt quite sure of what he was talking about. 

When the subway came to a stop we got off at the plaza. We began walking around but stopped in front of the pet store because some puppies began barking and I couldnt resist. I felt a little out of place there but I knew how those dogs felt. All they wanted was a home.Lucas came over and kneeled down beside me."They all look so cute." I said."Hmm just another thing you have in common."he mumbled."what was that?"i tried to hear him but all he did was smile.

After awhile we finally left the pet store but I had grown attached so it was hard for me to leave.We walked and talked for about 30 minutes about the past when we spotted a Surfs City.He motioned for me to sit on a bench and when I did he told me to wait for him there.As he returned with a smoothie in each hand I began laughing."This takes me back."I stated.

Lucas: yeah and I promise not to tell you any stories about labor.

I smiled and replied:ok deal

Lucas:so how have you been?

I gave him one of those are you serious faces.

Lucas:ok ok so then are you and Ben still talking?

Me:yeah here and there mostly him checking up on me ya know.I get it though he liked me and me him ...the first guy that- well anyways you get the point.

Lucas:I thought I was your first

Me:um first what?

Lucas:Im not really sure, your first date,first love,first boyfriend i dont know

Me:my first date was with Farkle,my first love hasn't happened yet but the first person I liked like for real was Ben and he was also my first boyfriend. 

I noticed he was sulking and tried to cheer him up."You were my first Ranger Rick though,the first boy I spent New Years Eve with,and you were my first almost kiss."He looked up and before I knew it we were really close to each other. I wasn't sure why but I purposefully ruined the moment.

Me:so should we go now?

I stood up and so did he. We continued walking until we got to the park. A little while later he got a phone call and asked me to stay put. I sat there for a good 10 minutes before I decided to get up and start walking. Not long after I heard lityl kids laughing and I began to feel self conscious. I turned and my jaw opened my eyes widened.There in front of me was KC and J.Before I had a chance to react they dragged me along a path and I heard music.The girls giggled and all I did was try to make out the song." out of my chest " and "kids"was all I could make out. When we arrived I covered my mouth with my hand and felt over joyed. In front of me was Jared and the kids positioned as a choir.Lucas came from behind me and began walking everywhere while playing his guitar. The kids were singing and I felt myself tear up."Remember when we started this mess my heart was beating out of my chest....push push push rewind go go back in time."they sang and I just stood there speechless.

At the end of the song I rushed over to the kids and hugged them all and Jared. 

Me:whats all this?

All in unison:Happy Makeup Birthday Maya


Lucas:its all for you Maya.I know how much they mean to you so I had to include them.They make you happy.

I ran to him and hugged him as tight as I could. The rest of the time we all spent the time together. I felt.....not alone.Lucas walked me home saying as a cowboy it was his responsibility.  

Lucas:so ..I cant help but ask -nevermind.

Me:what's up?

Lucas:do you still like Ben?Or Josh?

Me:Ben and I talked and it was weird because he told me the same thing Josh did about you. That I only liked him as a friend.

Lucas turned to me and placed his hand on my shoulder.

Lucas:what do YOU feel?

Me:I'm not sure.Why are you even asking me this?  

He sighed and placed his face even closer to mine. "I like you,Maya"

I froze. 

Me:Ha no you don't stop it anyway it's getting lat-


I jumped a little.

He leaned forward to kiss me but I pushed him back and ran up the stairs opened the door and slammed it.I looked out the window and saw him looking sad and walking away. I had no idea what to do so I called up Smackle and Riley and told them to come over.There was no way I was going to sleep tonight.

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