Recap: We all walk out and go onto the bus and head towards their first venue...
"Okay so what should we do until we get to the first venue?" I ask "we could watch Batman?" Andy replies. "YAAY!!!" I reply then CC picks me bridal style causing me to grab a hold of his shoulders quickly while the others laugh. "Christian. Coma. Put. Me. Down. Now." He just laughs and starts to run around the bus. "Momma Jinxx Help Me." "Sorry kiddo" he replies to my plea. "Ash?" Ashley just laughs harder. "Jake pleaasse?" I give him the puppy dog eyes. Still nothing. "BAAATTTMMAANN COME SAVE YOUR BEST FRIEND!!!!" I exclaim then Andy runs in and grabs me out of CC's arms. I just laugh. Then Andy runs back out and we see Jinxx clutching his stomach laughing so hard. Ash trying to hold in his laughs, and Jake shaking his head.
"So what are we gonna do?" I ask and Jinxx pulls out his Violin. He gestures towards it. I walk up and grab it I begin playing. I played the piece to In The End then took a bow. They clapped and we just hung out for 2 more hours before we made it to the first venue.
When we got there a lady lead us back to their changing/lounging/make-up room. Jinxx had me sit in a chair and face the mirror. Then he covered up the mirror with his jacket and told me to stay exactly how I am for 5 minutes. He gave me his phone and I got on YouTube. I watched some videos from MCR. It's sad they broke up. They were really good. Oh well.
After about 5 minutes Jinxx grabbed his phone back and he said he wanted to put me on warpaint. I almost squealed but held it in. For my warpaint he did a saw type thing on my face with the swirls on my cheeks. Then he darkened out my eyes, lips, and ran a line on my jawline. I looked awesome. Then a man knocked and said they were on in 5. So we headed to the stage. I stood side stage while they preformed. Andy started off perfect weapon.
~instrument solo~
Awake at night you focus
On everyone who's hurt you
Then write a list of targets
Your violent lack of virtueLEAVE US ALONE!
GO!!!We are breathing
While you're sleeping, go.
And leave us alone
The lines cheated
Our hearts beating, go
And now your on your ownHere's to your perfect weapon
Crack bones with blind aggression
Like birds whose wings are broken
You live without directionLEAVE US ALONE!
YOU'RE ON YOUR OWN!!!They played Lost it all, wretched and divine, nobody's hero and devil's choir as well. When Andy finish devil's choir he motioned me to come on stage. I did as I was told only because I didn't want to let the fans down. I walked on stage and most cheered. Then Andy started talking so they stopped talking.

Savior (A BVB Fanfic)
Hayran KurguCoraline has had a rough life. She was taken from her mom and was put in an orphanage. Only to get adopted by an unlikely select of personnel.