Last Chapter Of Book 1

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The night was silent, apart from the roaring waves below me, crashing onto the rocks.

I leaned on a bare based pine, it's graying needles rotting on the ground. Franky sat a few meters opposite me, knees tucked up to her chin, staring off into space. I sighed. All this trouble and planning of running for what? Nothing. The only reason I'd run was because I'd been scared. Scared of being caught. I'd run then because they wouldn't keep as close an eye on a prisoner such as me. But a murderer? They'd watch me alright. Hell, I didn't want to go back to that shit hole, not now not ever. I'd die in there. Life Sentance. No chance of parole. Sad thing is, you murder a random person- you get parole eventually. Murder a person of authority? No parole for you, cause your a dangerous little shit. The only reason I was handing myself in was because of franky.

Why? I don't know.

It's just, well, you can't sacrifice someone else's life to save your own ass, when you care about them a lot. I suppose it's morals, or rather just plain common sense. Either way, it's the right thing to do, face up to what you've done.

"You know what I don't get?"

I whipped my head up to look at franky.


"You said your brother was going to help us, yet you said your brother died when you were little. What's that about?"

"Oh yeah. Jeremiah- he's not my real brother. A few years ago I found the kid living on the streets, starving and on the brink of hypothermia. I took him in and took care of him, treated him as the only family member I had. I love him like a brother"

"Quite the little saint," She muttered and resumed her thinking.

I sighed again and got up, stretching my cramped legs.

"Where are you going?" She finally made eye contact with me for the first time in hours.

I looked tiredly back at her.

"There's no point in waiting around is there? Might as well do the deed while I can. "

I walked back through the trees silently, trying to keep out of sight.

And that's when I saw it.

A black dressed figure moving stealthily through the treeline, keeping to the shadows, gun in hand, helmet obscuring his features. Then there were more, safely spread out beyond him, all moving toward the cliff toward where I'd come from. Two thoughts raced through my mind.

Swat team!


I Debated on how best To treat this situation.

1: run like hell to save my ass
2: divert attention to myself
3: warn franky

I chose the latter and thought about the least obvious thing I could do to alert the swat team. I couldn't exactly scream or they'd probably shoot me. I settled for a more reasonable option. I took off my shoes and silently padded through the undergrowth until I neared a tall tree. I quickly scaled it and looked out to the clearing where franky was looking over the cliff. Slight disturbance of leaves indicated the police weren't far off. I cupped my hands over my mouth and whistled lowly at first, then increasing it to a loud steady bird song. I knew it'd get her attention as it was one of the rarer birds we'd encountered during our trip.

Sure enough she looked up.

I gestured wildly with my hands, urging her to get out of sight. She just stood there confusedly, blinking at me.

"Get..out..of...The. .." I pointed at her, waving her sideways and making running motions."

The cops were closing in.

She finally realized what I wanted her to do. She went to run but it was too late. The black clothed figures darted out of the tree line guns raised and shouting.




She backed away slightly, eyes terrified. Never in my life had I seen her so scared.


Her eyes darted up to me for a second before she complied. Slowly she lay on the ground as an officer subdued her.

"That'll be all boys."

I tensed.

The cold voice of Joan Ferguson drifted up to where I crouched, sending the swat team slinking back into the forest. All but an officer remained. He yanked franky up by the hair. I stiffened.

The governer motioned to the bench beneath my tree. "Bring her over here." The man dragged her through the dirt to about less than a meter from the bench. The governer walked over to the bench, took a handkerchief out of her breast pocket, and gingerly wiped a patch of the bench clean, face set in a scowl. She then sat down and faced franky. She leaned down and smiled evily in Frankys face, earning a hoick spat dead in the middle of her face. The governer raged and pulled out her black leather gloves, slapping franky hard against her face. Ooh That bitch was gonna pay.

She proceeded to wipe the spit from her disgusted face. "Dirty woman. You really do deserve to be in prison, or worse."

The bald officer looked up and smiled toothily. " Can I do it now Joan? "

She pursed her lips. "Not quite yet. I'd like to have a few moments alone with her. If you please," Franky and i cringed at the same time.

He nodded and walked off down the track whistling.

Ferguson circled franky like a predator with its prey. She stopped a safe distance infront her, beady eyes studying. " Francesca, you look well. I see you have lost all of the fat around your abdomen and thighs. " The governer grabbed Frankys cheeks and prodded her ribs, then stood back and inspected her catch. Franky looked mortified. " such a shame we have to get rid of you. I'm afraid if we took you back, you'd start another riot with the prisoners. Best to get it over and done with. "

"Whataya mean-"

She was rendered speechless as the governer produced a shiny black metal gun from her vest. A silencer at the end pointed at Frankys head. "It's a shame no one will be around to miss you. Any last words Francesca? "

I slowly rose from my hiding place and met Frankys steely Grey eyes. A smile curved her lips.

She looked at the governer and grinned. "Boo."

I leaped down and landed on her, just as the bullet hit flesh.

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