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Ugh sorry for not updating I don't like this story anymore but DW I'll finish it! I've been spending all my time writing my other fanfic "Illuminated Silence" which you should check out! Also a big thank you to the writers corner! Thank you for giving me 2nd place Omg !!!

Anyway comment? I need ideas ppl


Franky breathed. In. Out. In. Out. A steady rhythm. She kept it like that, in sync with every lift of the weights. In. Up. Out. Down. Over and over. The sun shined down brightly on her left side, her tan skin tinging red ever so slightly. A bead of sweat slid down over the lines of her face, disappearing into her wispy hair line.

"Cmon Franky, just one more."

Franky strained her aching muscles one up, one down, at boomers command. She breathed out a sigh of relief when her arms were released and the weight set back down on the holder. She sat up and wiped her forehead, clenching her fists in an attempt to relax the muscles before they cramped. She looked out into the yard, stretching her arms and legs as boomer sat down aside her on the bench. "Franky... about Bea. She's not herself. She hasn't come out in ages. I'm really worried eh franks."

Franky's lips thined into a near straight line. "I can't help you there booms. All we can do now is look out for ourselves and each other. " Boomer took notice of how she tiptoed around the question, avoiding the real answer she wanted. Truthfully, all boomer wanted was reassurance. For someone to tell her everyone and everything was and would be alright. Because things in wentworth were changing. And Franky not giving her a straight answer, that was unsettling. Franky always had an answer for everything and in most cases a solution. But never did boomer think she'd see the day where franky couldn't. Boomer was worried.

Boomer was scared.

"Doyle! Person here to see you. Come on." Boomer watched Franky walk off with an officer, watching her warily look around before dissapearing through the gates. Inside franky followed an officer straight to the visiting wing, casting a nervous eye out for the freak. She spotted her waiting in the special protection visits room alone, most probably waiting for someone. Franky then scanned the room for the guy she was supposed to meet, sighing when she saw him, plopping down across from him and resuming her gaze back to the freak.

"Well hello to you too love."

She slid her eyes over to him. "Don't call me that. Your not such pleasant company yourself." She internally grinned at his reaction. "Fine. What do you want anyway? How's Alex? Is something wrong? She didn't get ganged did she?! Oh god. I've heard what they do to women in here, especially the pretty ones—" She shot him a look as he began to panic and raise his voice. "Shut it before I shut it for you. Alex is completely fine, and if you must know she's still top dog. I just need you to sit there, look pretty and make some resemblance of conversation."

"While you do what? Stalk?"

"More or less. See that woman behind you in that room?" Seddon turned in his seat, peering over at Ferguson. "Ew. Yeah. She looks like some crazy old turtle." Franky leaned in. "I need to be here to see who she's seeing. Because I need evidence against her to help Alex,"

This caught Seddon's attention, causing him to lean in to listen closely. "Alex? You mean that's that psycho bitch that shot her?" Franky nodded watching as he put the pieces together. "They already know that...but alex is also in for murder...but its something to do with saddie over there? You think its related or something?"

Franky genuinely smiled at how he could catch on so quickly. No wonder he was Alex's best friend. "Ah. Smart cookie. That's exactly what I think. But I need evidence, which at the moment I don't have much of. " His jaw clenched as he thought hard for a moment, a flicker in his eyes as he looked back at her. "Then I'll help you. You have my number. You ever need something, you call me and I'll get it. Anything for Alex. Oh, look, her little friends here. "

Franky's eyes darted up quickly, watching as the man was escorted into the room with the freak. He looked uncomfortable, as if he wasn't really sure what to do or say. She smiled at him, speaking silently through the glass.  "Times up Doyle! You'll have to make more time next week." Franky groaned as officer miles went and waited by the door for her. She quickly leaned back to Seddon as they both stood up. "I need to find out who that guy is asap. Think you can do that?" Seddon smiled with a dark look. "There's nothing I can't do. Call me tomorrow at five sharp. I'll have your information." She raised her eyebrows as he walked off, leather jacket straining against his shoulders with each step. She shook her head and walked off to be escorted by miles, pondering on all she did not know. She thought about what Seddon said. There's nothing I can't do. What exactly did that mean? Did he mean it cockily? As if saying he was good at everything? Or did he mean it literally? Meaning there really wasn't anything he couldn't do. Wasn't it strange how he just went along with this whole mess, and blindly accepted that his best friend and on off booty call had just been accused of murder? What morally sane person would do that? Franky began to become suspicious. Was there something she didn't know about this Seddon?

"You alright franky? "

She shook her head of such thoughts and looked over at the curly haired woman sitting at the table in H2. Franky hadn't even realized she was back in her block. "Oh. Hey red. Haven't seen you in a while. I'm Okay, just thinking too much as usual. How are you?"

Bea forced a gaunt smile and clutched her mug a fraction tighter since Franky's arrival. "I'm...okay. I think. Just doing a lot of thinking, same as you." She looked down at the floor, avoiding Franky's gaze. Worry began to simmer deep in her veins. Boomer was right. Bea hadn't been the same since  the 'incident'. She was more introverted than usual, never really coming out of her room except for the occasional meal. Her face looked gaunt, shadows crowding around her eyes, cheek bones deeper and more refined than usual. There was a way she held herself too, that reminded franky of when the redhead had first arrived at Wentworth prison, as if she was still as confused, scared, angry, timid. The only difference was the lack of hope in her eyes.

It was almost as if they were dead.

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