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Potential new cover? What are your thoughts people?!



Franky covered her eyes from the blinding stream of sunlight pouring through the window of her apartment. She felt like absolute shit and her head was pounding, the kind of headache even aspirin couldn't fix. She opened a smudged black eye and peered over at can snoring her head off next to her.

Franky smacked her in the face with a cushion, as far as her hungover body could propel her.

"Fuck what? What day is it? Where am I?"

"Get up and suffer through the day with me ya drooling asswipe. This bitch in my head is all your fucking fault."

"Fuck you bitch you made me take you out." She threw an arm of her head.

"I need coffee. Now."

"And I need to vomit but I can't be shitted moving. Let me sleep."

Franky pushed her hard out of the small queen bed, then dragged her into the bathroom. "That's a toilet. Use it."

She slammed the door behind her and walked to the kitchen, not before snatching her pair of sunglasses off the rack to cover her sore puffy eyes. As Franky made her coffee she really did regret her big night out partying, not that she remembered much after the tequila bottle. God. She wasn't much off a pisshead, which probably explained why she couldnt handle her alcohol as well as everyone else.

Franky cringed as she sat down, hearing the sloshing sound of the contents of cam's stomach as it made its way up into the cracked porcelain. She rubbed her temples and finally downed two pills.


"Fuck sake. This early in the fucking morning. Bloody indecent fucking people. Fuck,"

Franky smoothed down her hair slightly. She knew she looked like shit, but there was nothing she could do at the moment to aid the guests eyes. She opened the door and scowled at detective Garrot. "Really? I thought you'd of given me at least till fucking five detective. "

He raised an eyebrow. "Franky, its quarter past five. Have you just woken up?"

She ran a hand over her face and stood aside. "Nah officer, I just got back from bungee jumping off of the fucking opera house, what's it fucking look like?" She gestured the police inside as a half a sleep cam walked out. "The hell the feds here?"

Officer Garrot walked forward. "Francesca Doyle, you are under arrest for breech of your parole. You have the right to remain silent, however anything you do or say will be used  in court at the time of your judgment."

Franky held her hands out boredly, and Garrot put the cuffs on her as per. Cam ran up beside her. "What? No-what did she do? You can't do this, she's--"

"Can shut up and leave it alone. Go home, I'll call you when I can. Go!" Cam grabbed her jacket and walked out, flipping the cops the bird as she left. Franky sighed loudly. "Can we just get this over with? I do have a life you know."

He nodded and walked her out. Old Dora stood grinning at her door, yellow crooked teeth laughing at her. Franky rolled her eyes as the old hag began to cackle. "Weirdo..." She thought.

Peeking eyes and open mouthed gazes watched her as she was being escorted out of her building. She knew from that moment on she wouldn't be able to return here, not with this walk of shame and the bout of suspicion that'd follow. She stopped confused, as she saw her mode of transportation.

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