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"Your fucking kidding me right? This is why you rejected me? To be with her? And what's even worse is that you knowingly stole Bea's girl. One, there's a thing called girl code. And two- you have no shame! I can't believe you Franky. Love me my ass, I'm just another one of your fucking play things!" Alex stormed off and into her cell, shouting for boomer to bring her the strongest brew she had. Allie looked at Bea with glazed red eyes. "Bea! Its not my fault- she made me do it- they're not my drugs!"

Bea turned and marched off to her own cell. "Booms! Make that a double order! And get that bitch out of my block will you!"

Boomer got up and delivered the brew to each of the women, then eagerly ran into Franky's cell cracking her knuckles. "Right, cmon ya little bitch, time to leave." She picked Allie up effortlessly and dragged her kicking and screaming naked back to her block. "Ooh, your gonna get it now Blondie. You fucked up two relationships, both with a top dog. Your dead meat," Luckily no guards had noticed them as they made their way to Kazs block. Kaz and her gang stood up from the table and screamed when Boomer threw Allie across the floor. She cut off kaz. "Good luck for tommorow. " she said and walked out.

Boomer met Maxine and Liz down the hall way. "Awh Maxi, you wouldn't believe what just happened ay. Franky and Allie did the dirty, and then Alex and Bea opened the door right when they were doing it, and then they all had a big as scrap and then I got to deal to Allie and now Alex and Bea are getting pissed on me brew." She said excitedly. Maxine shook her head. "This place is falling into chaos. Those two shouldn't be getting drunk, and Franky's a mess. Kaz will be loving this. She'll turn the women against them."  Liz nodded along. "Where are you going anyway Maxine?"

"Oh hun, I'm going to the doctor to get my treatment all sorted out for the day after tomorrow. " Boomers eyes watered slightly at the word treatment. "Oh. I'm still coming though yeah? Vinegar tits approved it,"

"As far as I know booms." She smiled as they rounded the corner and Liz left them to go back to H2. "Hey, Liz right?" Liz turned to see a young girl run up to her. Liz smiled fondly at the petite girl, she looked just like Sophie. "Aw hello. You have the right person," the girl smiled brightly at her. "Hi! Its nice to meet you finally. Alex has told me so much about you! Im Leena by the way," she shook her hand and smiled. "I heard about Alex, and that she just got out of medical. Any chance I could see her? "

Liz gave her a tight smile. "Awh love, maybe not just yet. She's going through some stuff that you'll probably hear about tomorrow, and isn't really up for visitors. Best you try and catch her tommorow yeah? I'll tell her your looking for her." Leena shot a grateful smile at her before saying goodbye and running off to hang with Tasha who was also passing by with Doreen. Liz smiled again. It was good those two got on. They look after each other, she thought. Liz walked into H2. She looked in each of the cells, signing at the three main ones. Franky was asleep, probably trying to sleep off whatever brainwave she was on. She opened Bea's door and poked her head in. "You alright darl?" Bea looked up from her sea of drawings. She'd barely touched the liquor. "Um I have no idea to be honest." Liz looked at her sadly. "Well at least your feeling something. You want to talk about it?"

"No thanks Liz, but thanks for the offer. I'd rather keep to myself for a while. Can you keep an eye on things for me please?"

"Kay hon, I'll keep you posted. Look after yourself okay? And call me if you need anything." Bea nodded and Liz retreated from her room. She then walked into Alex's. "Hey doll. Do you need anything? Cup of tea? A glass of water? "

Alex took a hefty swig of the brew of which she'd almost finished cringing at the taste. Liz looked away from the bottle, resisting the evil temptation of which was her downfall. "A new life? " Liz backed out of the room slowly. "Let me know if you need anything!"

She dusted herself off and exhaled heavily, hands on hips. Kids, she thought. They were nothing but children to her. Too young to be in such a cruel place. Only just starting out in life, not even getting to experience what life really was. At least she'd lived half of hers before ending up in here. Her only regrets of that life before bars was not getting to see her own kids grow up. That was her biggest mistake.

"Yes, is this H block Two?"

Liz turned in alarm at the posh voice. She had been lost in her thoughts. "What? Oh yes, yes. How can I help?"

"Hmm. I am to be in a cell here?"

Liz looked her up and down. What a strange woman. She still wore her make up and expensive looking clothes, hair in a stylish up do. "Well then. You must be Sonya. Governer said the spare cell would be for you. Come on over, its this one right here," She walked over to the only empty cell in their block and opened the door. Sonya stepped in and looked distastefully around at the bare teal walls. "Rather dreary don't you think? You'd think the colour scheme would be more stimulating."

Liz raised an eyebrow. "Well this is prison honey. The options are rather limited I'm afraid," The siren sounded for H blocks dinner time. "Right. Cmon, its time for dinner. Get changed and I'll walk you down. " Sonya pursed her lips. "I think I'd rather stay here and dine on the things I purchased in the prison shop. You can go. " She waved liz off. Liz shrugged her shoulders and walked off to the cafeteria. She'd been well informed about the new inmate, but couldn't be bothered with her tonight.  For a woman that was supposedly to have killed her husband, she seemed more like the type to freak out at even a teency spec of dust on her designer clothing, not to mention it being soaked in a puddle of blood. Liz shivered. She didn't want to think of what that woman was capable of, didn't want to get involved. Yet, she found herself considering the offer the detective had given her.

Information for freedom.

You get us that confession Elizabeth Birds worth, and you can see your kids outside bars in no time. Just say the word,

She shook her head clear again.  This was bigger than even her.


Please don't kill me. Im an awful person I know 😂🔫

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