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Franky stared off into space, thoughts consumed by random unimportant things.


She snapped out of her absentmindedness ."Huh?"

You have another client. Unless your not feeling to well today? You can go home if you'd prefer, we are running a bit slow today,"

Franky gave her boss a tight smile. "Nah Im alright Mrs S. Send them in."

The lady smiled and came back with the client. Franky just stared at her computer, not looking up, only feeling the person settle in the chair across from her. She typed away and prepared a document. "Okay... Name? Franky said impatiently.

"Wow Franky thought you'd remember me better, I sure remember  every part of you.."

Franky froze in her place, gripping her blue pen tightly. She slowly looked up and narrowed her eyes, swearing under her breath.

Kim stood up and spread her arms wide. "Well aren't you gonna hug me?!"

Franky stared at her blankly, a facial expression that she'd learnt from alex, and boy did it work wonders. It'd piss off even the stupidist person without even touching them or saying a word.

"What the fuck is that look for?" Kim sat down in a huff, pouting like an ugly child.

Franky sighed, putting her lawyer face on.   "Please Miss Chang, be civil or I will have another person take over your case,"

Kim laughed. "Since when did you become so high and mighty? Ever since you were with that model bitch you've changed," Franky's grip tightened on her pen, and if she looked closely enough, she could see the almost unseeable tiny white cracks beginning to appear on the plastic. How she wished she could do that to the woman's face across from her. Kim continued. " So... Did you guys fuck? Coz i--"

Franky's pen snapped as she pushed back her chair and stood up. "Times up Kim. Go find yourself another lawyer." Franky walked off and opened the door, giving Kim one last hard look. She went behind the foyer counter to grab her jacket. Mrs S popped out of her room. "Franky? Is something wrong?"

Franky shook her head. "All good ma'am. I think I will go home, gotta guts ache."

The lady smiled. "Righto Franky. Call Sandra if your not in tommorow. "

Franky nodded and hurriedly walked out. She fumbled for her car keys as she walked into the car park.

"Looking for these?"

Franky looked up to see Kim leaning on her car, swinging her keys with a cocked brow. "You left them on your desk."

Franky snatched them out of her hands and walked around her.  "Don't you ever fuck off?"

"Not until you answer my questions,"

"Not gonna happen. Bye bitch," Franky frowned at her keys, the one for her car missing. "Kim, where is my car key," Kim swaggered over to the drivers side door where franky stood boiling. She leaned over, pulling her camisole down slightly revealing her breasts. Franky made a face and went to look away, before something shiny caught her eye. She groaned. "You've got to be kidding me. Give it back now Kim or I swear..."

Kim smiled devilishly and picked up Franky's hand, leading it up to where the key lay. "Gotta reach in there and get it sweet heart. " she winked.

Franky yanked her hand back and gave Kim a disgusted look. Kims face turned into a scowl. "You did fuck her didn't you?! You did! That's why you won't touch me! Coz of that whore!"

Franky slapped Kim hard against her cheek, sending her flying almost a metre off. Despite how bad she felt about Alex, she still woudnt let some whore trash talk her. Only Franky had the right to do that.

Kim cradled her cheek and came flying back, propelling Franky into her own car with a 'clunk'!. Franky's back cried at the sudden impact and she winced. The old jags handle dug into her lower back, right between two vertebrae. Franky had had the wind knocked out of her. Kim used the free opportunity of frankys immobility and stuck her hand in Franky's pants, grazing her dignity. Franky regained posture and punched then shoved her hard, making kim stumble and fall. Her head fell back on the concrete and she contracted up into the foetal position.

"Don't move!"

"Oh come on!" Franky turned around and raised her hands, glaring up at the sky momentarily. She steeled herself against the officer patting her down and met the unamused eyes of detective Garrot. Franky rolled her eyes. "You again? Are you following me around detective? Sorry to dissapoint but, I don't eat sausage. I'm a vagatarian."

The officer next to her smothered a laugh and the detective dismissed them to attend to kim. "Franky, franky, franky... I was just coming to see you about something when I walked in on you assaulting someone. Well Francesca, I'm afraid that's a breech of your parole,"

Franky groaned and just held out her hands, waiting for them to be cuffed.  She closed her eyes and waited for the familar cold blunt metal to close around her wrists, and condemn her to her previous life.

But she did not feel them.

Franky looked up confusedly toward the police man. He turned around and walked back toward his car. Franky blinked. "What? Where are you going? Aren't you going to arrest me?"

Detective Garrot looked back at her with a bored face. " I think it'd be best to discuss this over coffee."

"Your fucked up."

He turned and cocked a brow. "Unless you want to go down to the station?"

Franky waddled after him, her back still aching. "No. No. Coffee sounds great." She furrowed her brows and jumped in the back, wondering what was up with this strange new officer.

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