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Last chapter was very short, like how can that even be considered a chapter. But I felt bad for not updating, so I gave you something 🙋 anyway because I am very lazy I thought maybe it'd be a good idea to give you lots of little short chapters instead of one long chapter because it takes me ages to write and then I can't be bothered etc etc. So yeah rant over enjoy 😪


"Please. Its very important. Like life and death important. I need to see Franky Doyle or Alex Melarosa now before it's too late!"

Will Jackson sighed loudly again and tapped his pen forcefully against the desk. "Look mate, I already told you no visits without booking one first. We need clearance to even let you through, let alone see if the prisoner wants to see you. "

"Look, I am begging you. Mr – Jackson. I have reason to suspect one of them could be in trouble, or something –"

"Then you can write an incident report and give it to me. Now either do that, or come back another day before I have you escorted out. Go. " Mr Jackson stared at the brown haired boy stressedly pulling at his hair. "I want to speak to your boss. Now. Put me through to her please–"

"I said leave now! Governor Bennet has no time to be talking with big mouth–" Mr Jackson was cut off. "Ah Mr Jackson, I'll be the officer in charge of that thank you very much. Now do we have a problem?" Vera strolled into the waiting area, heels clicking and bun tight. "Apparently. This young man claims that two of our prisoners may be in harms way and has requested to see them without an appointment." Mr Jackson eyed him skeptically. "And their names?"

"Doyle and Melarosa. "

Vera's ears perked up. "What do you know sir? And where is this information sourced from? "

"Look lady, I can't tell you. I need to Tell–Alex! Alex over here!" He rushed forward toward the visiting area, banging on the window of the door where Alex had walked past coincidentally. She rushed to the window as Mr Jackson restrained him and pulled him back, but he broke free and ran toward it again. "Alex! Its Franky! You need to find Franky now! She's got a hit out on her. Now!"

Alex barely made out the words before he was dragged off by mr Jackson, kicking and yelling on the other side. She banged in the hard glass of the wall, yelling for Seddon to come back, to explain what he meant. Yet as she processed his words, she realized she had to find Franky. Fast.

Speeding off down the hall, she ran past groups of women asking for Franky's where abouts. She ran to H2 and through the lunch room, out into the yard, but nothing. Alex began to panic, and her emotions only intensified as she heard screaming and sirens calling for a lock down sounded above her. Sprinting in the direction of the yelling, she saw officers clearing the way as Allie pointed and screamed for help. Alex pushed through the band of officers calling for backup, to a sight she was terrified to see.

A silent scream lodged in her throat as she looked down at franky, sprawled out at the bottom of the staircase, pale with limbs twisted at odd angles and dark purple dotting like a scarf around her neck. She was unmoving, and Alex crouched down to her, touching her feverish cheeks. One of the new officers, known to her only as Jake, pulled her away from Franky as the medics arrived, putting her on a stretcher and began hauling her away. "Franky! " She screamed. The lockdown sirens still whined in her ear yet it was muted, barely audible as she turned, gaze narrowed in on Allie who paled herself. She was the one who apparently found Franky. She was the only one there. She was one of Kazs girls. It was the only thing that made sense to her as she stalked forward with a predatory gait, leaping on the blonde with an untapped fury being unleashed as Alex attempted to beat her to the ground in an animalistic fashion before Officer Miles and Jake pulled her off kicking and screaming profanity after profanity. "I'LL KILL YOU!"

"Okay, right, let's get her to the slot! Novak get back to your cell now, medical will be to busy to care right now. " Allie wiped the blood of her lip before nodding and standing up, cheat heaving as she walked backward. "It wasn't me Alex. I found her and raised the alarm. That's it. "

Alex made to grab at Allie but Miles slapped a pair of cuffs on her, both officers needed to restrain her to the point of actually being able to move. It still didn't stop her jumping free as they passed medical, eyes wide and pleading as she watched Franky's chest raise high unnaturally as defibrillators were placed on her it, eyes staying shut despite the constant shock and mask on her face. Dragged away was what happened a second time, but with a lot more restraint and more tears, before she was thrown into the concrete clad slot.

Was franky okay? Was she even alive? What the hell happened to her? Who did it? Alex banged her head against the wall repeatedly, tears streaming down her face. She didn't know. She didn't know anything. "Melarosa?" Vera's stern voice echoed through the thick steel door. "What?!" She yelled as she rushed to it, watching as Vera hurried in. "Is Franky alright? Please Vera I need to know–"

"She's been taken via ambulance to the nearest hospital, word is they're trying to get her stable but I'm still waiting for more news. I've apprehended Novak, and checked all the cameras, but it seems they were all disabled before the attack. So that only leaves you and Mr Kramer as my only leads now. "

Alex ran a hand through her hair stressfully. "I only know as much as you do. I went looking for her as soon as Seddon yelled out. But by the time I got there it was too late and Allie was standing there and officers were running..." Vera patted her shoulder. "Well, I'll let you know what's going on. You can be let out tonight if your in good behavior, but no promises. "

Vera turned to walk out, before Alex stopped her. "Governor, please, can I go see Franky? Please, I'll give you anything, names, information, anything so long as I know franky is alright. please. "

Vera's lips thinned. " Its not up to me, but I'll send an immediate request to the board tonight with my approval. I'll let you know."

Alex nodded and slid down against the wall as Vera walked out, empty and hollow all at once.


Omg did I just kill off franky?! Well you'll have to wait and see! *laughs evilly* if your wondering, I am such a horrible fan that I forgot what Jakes surname was! Anyway feedback would be appreciated. Plus comment or DM me what you'd like to happen? Open for requests guys!

BTW, please comment Jakes surname 😂🙊

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